Before we went bowling

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Sofia knocked on the door, of the room I was in, and with a smile asked "Is Mr bowling champion ready for his night of winning?" Sofia had now changed her clothes and was wearing a blue sailor's dress. First when I noticed she had changed, I thought it might be because she had noticed you could see her diaper, in her other attire. But it seemed like this was even worse, and her diaper was on even more display now.

I answered to Sofia's question "Yes. Mr bowling champion here is ready. For a night full of strikes." and felt I had died a little inside, going along with her nicknames to me.

Sofia said "Great. We'll drive in five, just meet us in the car."

I went to the restroom, to relieve myself before the car ride. When I were in there, I thought I could be a bit sneaky, and look around in the cabinets. Maybe I could find some of Sofia's diapers, just to satisfy some of my curiosity. First I went to do my business, and then I started looking in the cabinets, to see if I could find some diapers. After a few minutes with no luck, I could hear a hard knock on the door and Stan saying "Hurry up. The ladies are already in the car." "Oh yes, of course." I said and hurried out of the restroom and to the car, where Mindi and Sofia was already waiting.

"Finished putting all your make-up on, Mrs Bowling Champion?" Sofia asked. "Mrs. Bowling Champ- eh, what make-up?" I answered. "Well spending that much time in the restroom we assumed you were putting on a full face make up, that would even out-compete drag queens." Mindi said with a laugh. "Ehm... no.." I answered. Mindi said "We are just teasing you. So don't mind us. To the bowling alley we go."

Mindi started driving towards the bowling alley. She concentrated on driving, and Sofia had found her phone, and was scrolling through what looked like girly dresses, from where I sat. I started looking out of the window, trying to get to know some of the city, I had just moved to.

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