Cooking with Sofia

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I went to the room I had been designated to, and started to unpack my stuff. Just a toothbrush and a bit of clothes. I was just staying for one night, after all.

I heard a knock on the door. Sofia peeked in and said "I hope you are decent." smiled, and continued "Mr Chef, will you come help me with the cooking." "Of course. Also how long will you keep calling me Mr Chef?" I answered. Sofia answered "It depends on your performance in the kitchen today, won't it?" Sofia and I went to the kitchen and started cooking. And as she said, it was just something simple. So my task consisted mostly of cutting vegetables for the salad. I noticed that Sofia was still wearing a diaper, and that it was still dry. I gathered up courage and asked her "Sofia why are you wear-" I was stopped mid-sentence, when I could hear the outside door open. "Oh, looks like my dad is home. Go and say hello, so he can meet tonight's chef." And as told, I did. I walked out in to the hallway, and met who I assumed must be Stan. I took out my hand to give the man's hand a shake. "I'm Steve." I said. The man took my hand and shook it and said "I'm Stan. I assume you are Mindi's step-nephew, or how you would call it. I hope you have been shown to your room, and Sofia have made sure everything is in order." "Yes, your daughter have been very kind. We were just making dinner. So I should probably go back to helping her." I could hear Mindi's voice coming from their bedroom saying "Stan, is that you? Could you please come here a minute." "Well of course dear." Stan answered. I went back to the kitchen, where Sofia was still preparing tonight's dinner.

"Do you know what they are going to talk about?" I asked "Yes I do" Sofia answered "OK, wanna elaborate?" I asked. "Nope. Mindi and my dad just have something they need to talk about." Sofia said. I asked Sofia "I never got around to ask you about your interests. What is it that you are doing?" Sofia answered "Currently I'm on vacation. Until college starts up again. I have been doing some writing, and might pursue something in that direction." "Oh, what kind of writing?" I asked. She answered "Just different types of things. You got to be able to write several types of things, to reach as big an audience as possible, you know." "Yeah, that makes sense." I said. "I've also considered doing some modelling, but haven't done anything yet." Sofia said. "Well I think you would be really good at it. So any modelling agency should be lucky to have you." I said blushing a little.

"Well, thank you very much" Sofia said with a smile, and continued "As I said it's just something I'm considering. So let's see how things work out. Oh, by the way what was it you were going to ask me, just before dad came home?" Sofia said. "Well, sorry if I'm intruding, and it might not be any of my business, but why are you wear-" and once again, I was interrupted, trying to find out why a girl my age was still in diapers. Mindi and Stan came in to the kitchen. "Smells good in here." Stan said, he continued "Dear, come help me with making the table, then tonight's chef's can concentrate on cooking." Stan and Mindi made the table ready, so we would have something to eat with and from.

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