21: firsts

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The next day Michael had promised to go with Luke to get a new phone. It was about time, Luke finally conceded, he'd had his phone for as long as he could remember, and even though he knew there was no way for Liam to contact him anymore, a new phone would be a new start. A fresh beginning where he controlled who could get in touch with him. It felt like a breath of fresh air, and Luke was equal parts anxious and relieved. Relieved for obvious reasons and anxious because, well, Luke barely had two cents to his name and with the hospital bills coming... he didn't even want to think about the amount of debt he was about to be in. He had to scrounge his dollars and ask Lauraline for an advance on a future paycheck just to be able to afford a new phone, heaven only knew what he'd do when he received his first hospital bill...

"Any idea what kind of phone you want?" Michael asked as they browsed the aisles. Luke shrugged, letting his eyes immediately stray away from the latest models and to the older ones collecting dust at the end.

"I just need something that works," Luke laughed, picking up a refurbished iPhone from 2017. It looked to be in okay condition, with only a few scratches along the back and sides, and for only $140 it was a steal.

"What about the fourteen?" Michael asked, holding up the latest iPhone model. "I heard the three cameras are good if you like to take photos, which you do."

Luke blushed, remembering the way Michael had caught him snapping a photo of him the other day because his volume was on. He shook his head.

"No, no I don't need that."

Michael quirked his head, seeming to see right through Luke's excuse.

"But would you want it?"

Luke hesitated, checking out the latest phone. He'd never had something new before, something entirely his own. The thought was enticing, and Michael sensed his hesitation before he said no.

"Because if you wanted it, I'd get it for you."

Luke's head whipped around to face Michael again.

"What? Michael no." Luke shook his head. "I could never accept that."

Michael shrugged, a smile dancing on his lips as he wrapped his arms around Luke's stomach, leaning his chin over Luke's shoulder.

"I'd be more than happy to help you pay for it if it's something you'd want and use."

Luke sighed, shaking his head. He knew Michael didn't mean it as a handout, but that's how he felt anytime anyone offered him help; that he was just some poor kid from the streets who depended on others to get by. He'd gotten this far on his own, he wouldn't accept it now.

"No, it's okay, really," Luke grabbed the iPhone 8 and started to make his way towards the front of the store, Michael in tow. "I appreciate the thought but I'd never be able to pay you back for that and I just can't-" he shook his head, "I'm not good at accepting help, if you can't already tell," Michael quirked up his lip but Luke kept going, "and I'd feel indebted to you for it until I paid you back in full, and that's not what a relationship should be based on."

The quirk of Michael's lip dipped down now, his eyebrows pulling together in thought.

"What? What's wrong?" Luke asked, smoothing his fingers over Michael's brow.

Michael shook his head, plastering a smile on his face. "Nothing, Angel. I understand." He squeezed Luke's hand and they walked up to the check out hand in hand.

"I don't mean for this to sound bad," Luke started as the cashier checked them out, wincing as he slid his debit card for a total of $155.75. "But the new iPhone... it's a lot of money, and you didn't even flinch at the thought.. How can you, I mean I know you publish stories but-"

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