Chapter 17: Mission Surviving

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"Did you guys see her eyes earlier? It was blank and dreadful." Taeman caught everyone's attention.

"If I had left alone, would I have become like them?" Bora said.

"Will to survive?"

"This is too bad, I heard their commander ran away."

"Thank goodness, we have Mr.Lee." Yujung smiled.

"I know right."I smiled back.

"You guys must be starving. Eat up." Yujung handed the food to them.

They all started eating but that girl suddenly got up from her sit and left the room without saying anything. Yujung followed her to see she picked up a riffle on her hands.

"Why are you holding a riffle...?" Yujung asked in a shake voice while the girl put the riffle under her chin, "What are you doing? Put that down!"

"I ran away... My friend asked for help but I ran away alone." She said as tears welled up in her eyes.

"It's not you fault. When my friends died, I was busy running away. It's never your fault." Yujung said while moving forward slowly, "Please put that riffle down. It's dangerous that's why...please."
That's when Mr.Lee came and she pointed the riffle on him instead.

"Don't come forward." She moved backward.

"Your Yeon Seo, right?" She nodded, "I know you suffered a lot in fear. But from now on, we'll protect you." He said in a reassuring voice.

"You said It'll be okay, that we should wait. I know you'll runaway again." She scoffed.

"Yeon Seo-"

"Stop! Extra points? What's the big deal about it? It's merely nothing! Because of you people, everyone died. My friends...they all died! You killed them all!" She shouted as she pulled the trigger.

"No!" Yujung screamed and closed her eyes in shock.

"Hold on."

"Was it shot in this building?"

"Darn it."

Everyone ran to see where the gunshot sound came from.

I tiptoed quietly from her behind to stop her. As she was about the pull the trigger I pulled her hands making the bullets go up in the ceiling.

"The adult are to blame...It's n-not my fault." She fell down on the floor as tears were streaming down her face.

"What if they end up shooting us too?" Junhee asked.

"Hey, lower your voice. They might hear you." I whispered.

"I'm just anxious, that's why."

"You really need to watch your tongue." Soyoon hit her on her head.

"But I understand her in a sense. It was like she took the words right out of my mouth." Soonyi said.

"Mr.Lee wants to see us." Yujung came to call everyone.

"As soon as the sun rises tomorrow, we'll withdraw and return to the camp." Mr.Lee said.


"Can we do that? What about the mission?"

"I can't guarantee your safety here. We can't even figure how many spheres are out there. If they all attack us together, we won't survive. Your safety is my first priority now. I'll take the responsibilty so don't worry."

"The sentinents make sure to keep guard on alert and the rest can go to bed. We'll take off right when morning comes, thats all." He left after leaving everyone in disbelief.

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