Chapter 6: The End?

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Everyone was getting ready to go for the shooting.

"Are you going with us to the shooting range?"

"Of course I'm coming with you." Ms. Park smiled.

I won't let you die, Ms.Park... I won't fail this time no matter what.

"Omg we're shooting real bullets today."

"Oh gosh."

"I'm excited."

I joined them while holding Yujung's hand. I saw Chiyeol , our eyes met. He quickly looked away. After last night's conversation, things gotten awkward.

"Everyone should be walking together. Now March!"

"March!" Everyone yelled and started moving.

We reached at the shooting range.

"Class 3-2, line infront of your platoon leader!"

Damn. The shooting sound is louder than I expected. This is my first time hearing shooting this closely.

Recording cam 🎥
Wootaek: Woah..the shooting sound is so freaking loud. I nearly pooped my pants. Earlier, Deokjung actually pooped on his pant.
Deokjung: Uh my poop won't stop coming out. He ran to the bathroom again.
Jang soo: I was just thinking what if a actual war break out.
In hye: I was thinking of going home.
Bo ra: Isn't ilha acting weird lately? He keeps spacing out on his own when we're smoking. I mean he was always a weirdo anyways. Hey Kimchi, don't tell him.

Everyone was done with their shooting and was going to check their targets. I was still standing there on my place looking at Chiyeol who was staring at his hands.

"Kim Chiyeol are you okay?" Nara approached him.

"Yeah,why?" His eyes lit up.

I wanted to go but I don't think he wants to see me.

"Why's your cheeks red?"

"Where?" He said while touching his cheeks.

"There." She showed him by touching his cheeks.

"Uhm ooh I put the gun too close to my cheeks, it was the recoil. Be careful, it's dangerous."

"Okay thank you."

They smiled at each other.

Why do I feel jealous...I can't afford to have these stupid feelings now. Get a grip y/n!

"Yahh Kim Chiyeol, Are you not gonna check your target?" Kim Wonbin yelled at him.

"I'm coming sorry." He ran as fast as he could.

"What were you doing there? Dating?" He hit him on his back.

"Ah I'm sorry."

Mr.Lee was reviewing everyone's target.

"Platoon two, attention!"


"Private number 3."

"Private number 3, Kim Deokjung."

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