Chapter 11: Worsening

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"We have to leave Soyeon behind."

"Are you mad?"

"Right, none of us want to do it but we have no other choice."

"It's all because of me..." Soyeon was blaming herself.

Everyone went silent while I was trying to find the keys.

"Guys, I found the keys!"  I shouted.

Everyone turned their head on me.

"Give it to me." Heerak quickly went inside the van, "Fuck!"

"What happend?"

"I'm doomed, it's manual."

"What's that?" Tae man asked confusingly.

"Give it to me!" Soyoon took the keys from him.

"Yah can you do it?" Heerak took it back.

"Just give it to me!"

"Are you sure?"

"Move, gosh!"
"Oh my fucking god." I groaned as I snatched the keys from him.

"Yah are you sure you can do it?"

"Yeah because I have the two things you don't have."


"A driving license and a brain." I fake smiled and went inside the van.

Heerak scoffed, "I'll deal with you later." He annoying sat in the front seat.

Despite everything we finally escaped from the sphere, it's nowhere to be seen anymore. We heard shooting from afar.

On the other side

"What if they..." Hana said in a low tone.

"Yah shut up, be positive."

"Everyone, get ready to shoot!" Mr.Lee ordered as soon as he heard something coming toward them.

"What if it's a big group of spheres." Hana said while trembling in fear.

"Hold the fire!" Mr.Lee command them to stop when he noticed a van driving toward them.

"It must be them."

We all got down from the van, running toward them. Everyone felt relieved after seeing each other safe and alive. We all got in the truck making our way to the military camp.

"I thought I'd never see you again."

"I was so scared."

"Do you want some water?" Aesol passed a water bottle to Youngshin. He stared at her for a bit before taking it and gulping down some water.

I was smiling at the sight of everyone safe and smiling. I'm glad no one was harmed. I hope I'll be able to protect them till the end. I won't let those smiles fade away.

"We really thought we'd lose you." Ilha said.

"Don't even get me started on that. We barely made it out." Tae man dramatically sighed as he crossed his arms.

"We had it pretty tough too." Ilha playfully hit on Tae man's shoulder, "Right, Dukjung?"

"Right, it was legendry."

"Yah yah we'd need three days to tell our story. Right, Jangsoo?" Heerak said.

Jangsoo stayed quiet for a bit before saying, "Four days." We all looked at looked at each and burst out laughing.

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