Chapter 14: Misjudgment

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At the dining table
"Fuck, I knew something was up." Ilha groaned.

"I asked the other groups, but we're going first because we're the largest group."

"This is so annoying."

"Ugh I lost my apetiete." I put the plate aside.

"I can't eat either."

"You're right, being able to eat in this situation would be bizzare." Soochul said.

We all looked at Dukjung who was about to take a big bite but he put down the spoon after feeling guilty.

"A will? But they're already scared. How would we ask them?"

Mr.Lee remained silent as KIm Wonbin continued, "I'll hand them out-"

"Leave them."

"This will only put you in a fix."

Mr.Lee left without saying anything.

But they didn't know that me and Yujung was sneaking on their conversation from the window.
Yujung looked at me as we both nodded knowing we're thinking the same thing.

Everyone was caressing the will in disbelief.

"Uhm apperetnly, writing a will is just a formality before the operation. Also put some of your your fingernails or hair to submit in these bag. These are for.... these are for..." Yujung wasn't able to say it so I decided to say it instead.

"These are for your funeral if they can't find your body..." I said.

"What the hell?"

"Are we going to die?"

"No that's not it." Yujung shook her head.

"Stop scaring us." Soonyi whined.

"It's just a formality."

"Exactly, why do we need to do it if it's just a formality? It's because It's going to be dangerous!" Junhee shouted.

"I'm not sure about that but-" Yujung was trying to explain to them but they aren't letting her speak.

"Yah if you aren't sure then ask again. Ask them if this is necessary." Hana said rudely.

"Hana stop." Bora said.

"She's the class president. We don't you ask them those things!" Hana yelled.

"Fuck, you had the nerve to just accept these?" Heerak cursed at her.

"Hey, stop yelling at her. You couldn't even said a single word to the commander." Taeman glared.

"So what? She's the class president so she should represent all of us!" He walked toward Yujung, "Are you fucking grubbing for extra CSAT score or what?" He threw the bag on her. "You do it!"

"You little punk. What did you say to the her." Taeman grabbed him by his coller.

"Let go of me, jerk." Heerak yanked Taeman's hand.

"Fuck you." Taeman clenched his fist.

"Stop fighting, guys."

"What do you want. Jerk." Heerak moved away from Taeman.

"Yah Kim Yujung, how are you so unaffected? Doesn't this scare you?" Soyoon yelled.

"Man, I fucking hate this." Ilha rolled his eyes.

Yujung bit her lower lips as tears were forming in her eyes. She picked up the notes from the floor and left.

I stayed silent for a moment then said, "Yah aren't you guys being too selfish right now?"

"What? She's the one who's being ridiclous."

"Do you think things are easy for her? So what if she's the class president, she's not responsible to hear all of your craps." I raised my voice.

"You know what you guys are more distressing than those spheres." I shook my head and left.

Later at night

"Kimchi, are you sleeping?" Dukjung called Chiyeol.

"No, I can't fall asleep." He sighed.

"Do you remember the beginning of the semester when we made a list of girl by popularity?"

"Yes, I do remember."

"Was Soyeon in the first place? and the second was Hana?"

"Yah, the girls found out later and threw a fit. I was terrified." He chuckled.

"Right but seeing the girls without cleaning themselves up, the difference is noticable. This must be what's truly scary about the war. It's terrifying."

"Some are different."

"Maybe the ranks would be different now since there's a new person on the list. She is rude but she's pretty though, Don't you think so?" Dukjung looked at Chiyeol.

"Yah she isn't rude, she is just reasonable."

Dukjung scoffed then continued, "Kimchi, back then we just used take classes, go to internet cafes and goof around. Days used to pass without too much thoughts. I never imagined this would happend to us."

Chiyeol sighed when someone threw a pillow at him. He looked up to see ilha, "You're talking to much, I can't sleep."

"Did we wake you up? I'm sorry."

"Can anyone even sleep right now?"

"Just the thought of sleeping is keeping me awake."

They all got up when Hana peaked through the tent, "Hi!"

"You can't sleep either, right?"

The girls got inside the tent while I was just standing in the corner.

"Yah, are you just gonna stand there like a ghost?" Ilha raised his eyebrows.

I walked forward while scratching the back of my neck, "uhm I'm sorry guys, I just got worked up earlier."

"No you were right, we were only thinking about us."

"You are pretty so I forgave you." Dukjung winked playfully.

I chuckled at his words, "Thank you, Dukjung-ah."
I went to stand beside Chiyeol, he smiled at me as I smiled back.

Yujung went to everyone to collect their wills as they all signed it.

"Ugh, it's tomorrow. What are we suppossed to do?"

"Fuck, I'm so scared."

"Don't worry, It won't be that dangerous in the suburbs." Jangsoo said.

"Then why would they have us sign the wills?"

"But they'll let us go after this, right?"

"That's the only reason I'm going. If only we get this through..."

"I miss my mom." Soonyi whined.

"I also miss my mom's kimchi jiggae." Dukjung sighed.

"Quiet!" Yujung tried shut everyone up after hearing the footsteps outside.

Everyone got flabbergasted after seeing Mr.Lee. They all started to hide each other while i was standing there looking at them.
Aish what's the point of hiding...

"I'm sorry, we just couldn't sleep. We'll go back to sleep."

Everyone started to make their way out.

"I heard no one had dinner." Mr.Lee said in a deep voice. "Kim Sergeant, Bring that over."

"Yes sir." He bowed and went outside to bring something.

Everyone got scared thinking it would be a punishment while I was internally smiling knowing it was probably the happiest moment in the drama...

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