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11:49pm the same night ^^


"Tay should be sleep by now" I say to myself while walking upstairs. "Baby?" I say to make sure he's fully asleep. He didn't respond so I grabbed his phone and went downstairs.

"God please don't let me regret this.." I said to myself before unlocking his phone with a picture I have of him on my phone.

As I'm checking his messages, I didn't see anything. So I went on his Snapchat & Twitter. "Oh... maybe I was just overthinking." I said to myself while opening instagram. "What the hell.." I said to myself while reading messages between him and "@thelovelybecky"

"Brunch?!... this man is losing it. He told me he had to run errands "important" ones at that." I said to my self. I felt angry but some things didn't add up.

"Okay so he went to brunch around 11 or 12 im guessing, but he was gone all damn day..." I said to myself. I then had a idea, maybe if I pretend to be him & text her.. I could possibly get more information on why he was out so long. I then started texting her in his way of texting.

The messages:

"After what?!"  I said to myself while deleting the messages

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"After what?!"  I said to myself while deleting the messages. I didn't know if I should've woke him up to beat his black ass or if It was better for me to stay quiet and move smart.

*the next day*

I made breakfast for Tay and myself, I placed it on the counter. I sat and waited for him to come downstairs

"Hey sexyy" Tay said with a smile on is backstabbing, ugly, lying face. I'm sorry I'm just very angry but ima hold myself together.

"Hey baby! How'd you sleep? I know you were very busy last night." I said sarcastically with a smile on my face.  "I... I slept good" he said sounding a bit guilty, as he fucking should.

"Sit down and eat." I said. "This looks good, I'm about to dig in" Tay said. "I hope you like it baby.. as hardworking as you are. You deserve it" I said while smiling and looking him in his eyes.

"Your the best husband ANY women could ever have." I stated. He just looked at me and nodded.

I wanted to wait till he was halfway done with his food before I said anything about his phone but before I could even bring up his phone, he said
"I'll be right back sexy, ima grab my phone from upstairs"

He walked up the stairs, and came back down asking me have I seen it. I gently place it on the counter and told him to sit down and finish his food.

"Th-thank you, where was it?" He asked while looking at me. "I took it while you was asleep last night, I went thru it" I said while eating the last bit of my food.

He didn't say anything, just stared at me as if he was scared. "You ok baby?" I asked while placing my plate in the sink. "why aren't you mad?" He asked while pushing his plate away. "Did you poison m-" I stopped him right there.

"No I didn't poison you. Yes I'm mad, but you made a stupid decision and now it's gonna stick with you for the rest of your life" I said calmly as possible.

"you want a divorce now, don't you?" He asked while shaking his head in disappointment. I sat down beside him, held his hands & looked him straight in his eyes while saying "no, we have a child together & 2 more on the way. I want my kids to have a dad in their life everyday.  I want them to also know that, mommy and daddy make mistakes but it doesn't change our love for each other."

I started crying, because I still couldn't believe he would even cheat on me... with a fan.

"wait.. 2 more on the way?!" Tay said while widening his eyes. "Yes Tay, I'm pregnant WITH twins I was gonna tell you last night over dinner but-" I said while crying and shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm sorry." Tay said while tearing up. "Sorry for cheating? Or getting caught?" I said while walking to the living room.

-Tays pov

When I woke up, I smelled some breakfast. I went down stairs and greeted my wife "hey sexy".

I sat down at the counter watching Kay make my plate.
"Hey haby, how'd you sleep? I know you were very busy last night" she said with a smile on her face.

"I...I slept good." I said while feeling a bit guilty. I was about to get up to get my phone but she told me to sit down. So I just started eating my food. "I hope you like it baby.. as hardworking as you are. You deserve it" she said while smiling and looking me in my eyes.

I feel like she knows something because this is getting a little weird. She then told me I was the best husband any women could ask for... I just nodded my head and smiled. "I'll be right back sexy, ima grab my phone from upstairs" I said while going up stairs.

I didn't see my phone so I walked back down stairs asking Kay if she had seen it or not, and she slowly placed it on the counter. I said thank you, but I felt something coming. She told me to sit and finish my food.

After she told me she went thru my phone & was pregnant. I was in shock, sad, hurt and frustrated. I felt so many emotions that I've never felt before.

Am I horrible parent? Am I a horrible husband? I asked myself.

Thank you for reading.

I'll be making 2 more chapters.

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