Final Chapter

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The past is the past, and we have learned to forgive and forget. Tay and I have worked hard together to rebuild and strengthen our relationship, and it has been quite a journey. It took a lot of patience, trust, and communication to get where we are today.

The thing about affairs is that they can cause so much damage to a relationship. It's not just about the physical act itself, but also the emotional betrayal that comes with it. It can leave the betrayed partner feeling lost, confused, and angry. But as cliché as it sounds, time really does heal wounds. And it's up to the couple whether or not they want to put in the effort to heal and move past the hurt.

We love each other, and we didn't want one mistake to define our entire relationship. With that being said, it wasn't a quick fix, and it certainly wasn't easy. It was a process that took a lot of work and commitment from both of us.

One thing that helped us overcome the affair was therapy. We went to couples therapy and music also helped me through the tough days. It allowed us to work through our emotions and communicate. It also helped us understand each other better and see things from each other's perspectives.

Another thing that helped us was practicing forgiveness. Forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean forgetting what happened or excusing the behavior. It simply means acknowledging the hurt, accepting it, and letting it go. It's not always easy, but it's necessary for a healthy relationship.

So now, four years later, we are happy and in a good place. We've learned from our mistakes, and we've grown together as a couple. I've chosen to keep my private life private because I don't believe that anyone else's opinion matters. What matters is that Tay and I are happy, and that's all that we need.


cannot express enough how grateful I am for my wife. She has been my rock, my support system and my biggest cheerleader through the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. There have been times where I wasn't the best version of myself, I made mistakes and I let temptation get the best of me. But, even during those darkest moments, my wife stood by my side, offering forgiveness, understanding, and unwavering love.

I know that I have put her through stuff she didn't deserve, but she chose to stay with me, to see the good in me, and to believe in the better version of myself that is trying to emerge. I've realized that the fact that she stayed showed me what true love and commitment looks like. Along the way, I have learned an invaluable lesson that temptation can come in all shapes and sizes, and it's up to us to navigate our impulses and choose the right path.

I know that the journey is far from over, and there will always be temptations lurking around the corner, but I am confident that together we can face anything. I am thankful for every moment I spend with her; every laugh, every tear, every smile. She is the one, and I will always be grateful to have her in my life.

Reevaluating past decisions is also very important, which is why Kayoncé and I renew our vows every year. This act of renewing our vows serves as a reminder of the commitment we made to each other and how important it is to stick to our promises.

-Lue Ivy

My parents love each other without any conditions, which is something I have observed and admire. I aspire to be as skilled and intelligent as my talented parents when I am older. They frequently perform on stage together, and watching them brings me joy as they appear genuinely happy. However, my mom's perfectionism can be irritating since she tends to push herself unnecessarily.

As for the rest of my story about being the daughter of two successful people- well, you'll have to wait and see.

Thank you for reading but you think it's over huh? Haha

Well, since I'm not really a gatekeeper..
I'll be making a story based on Blue ivy's (lue ivy) life😝

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