Chapter 17: The failure

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Bowser's pov:

Luigi has his hand wrapped in my claw, smiling despite his horrible situation.

"At least they untied you." I joked, watching his cheeks go pink.

"Yeah, at least now you can hold my hand." His smile deepened, deepening my love for him all the more.

I took the chance to reflect on today's events.

First of all, as a king, the floor is no place I should be. But I'll do anything for love, especially my true love.
Secondly, my koopas have turned on me and forged their own militarily secured coup, but haven't done anything with me yet.

Maybe I should watch out for that.


I thought I asked Kamek to go and get Luigi.

But I'm here with Luigi.

"Bowser, is something wrong?"

"I can't believe it..."

"What? What can't you believe, Bowser?" The concern in his eyes grew as I stared longingly into them.

"Kamek is a traitor."

Peach's pov:

"Mario, this pipe here should take us to the edge of the dark lands. But we have to be careful, it could be quite heavily guarded." I whispered.

He nodded with a sense of understanding and adjusted his cap.

"It's-a go time." He whispered back.

I could see the eagerness in his eyes to accomplish his mission, to save Luigi from Bowser, to help me save this world.

We entered the pipe, and just as planned, found ourselves in the dark lands.

But it immediately defied my expectations. 

There were no koopa soldiers or skeletons running rampant and killing anyone they saw. There was just land; there was just lava.

"I thought you said this place was supposed to be heavily guarded." Mario grunted sarcastically, climbing out of the pipe.

"It was, but... I don't know what happened."

"Then let's go find out."

Luigi's pov:

I didn't really know Kamek too well, but Kamek was supportive of me and Bowser.

Now he's a traitor?

I guess with the whole coup issue all of Bowser's soldiers and subjects have turned traitor.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a spark.

I knew that Bowser saw it too.

"Kamek?" He growled, the sound of his voice echoing though the corridor.

"Yes Bowser, it's me, and I don't serve you anymore."

Kamek came in on a broomstick, waving around his wand.

"The soldiers didn't know how to get rid of you, so I guess...The pleasure is all mine." He laughed, waving the wand over Bowser's head.

"Kamek, you'd go so low as to turn away from your own king?" Bowser stared him in the eyes, but Kamek clearly paid no attention.

Kamek cackled again as he swooped over Bowser one last time, sending him into the air.

"Kamek, put me down now!"

"No." He flicked his wrist and Bowser was sent out of the window, landing somewhere in the dark lands.

"No! Bowser! I screamed, curling up into a ball on the floor.

"And for you, prisoner, your stay has only just began. I'm the king now."

"You sadistic asshole! You'll never get away with this!" I continued my rant, but he was already gone.

I cried a lot that night. I finally had everything back; then it was just me and Bowser, and now it was just me.

Mario's pov:

"Hold on a second Peach, can you hear something...weird? It sounds like...Growling!" I whispered in alarm.

Her soft gaze shifted into a concentrated one, listening carefully to the sound.

"Bowser?" She muttered, seemingly confused.

"You think?"

"Yeah, the koopas don't growl like that."

I scratched my head and thought. Why did she look so confused?

"Peach, is there something wrong?"

"Bowser is never in the dark lands. Only if he's going somewhere. But the airship isn't preparing for flight, so something's definitely not right." She pondered, pacing around me in a circle.

"You're making me dizzy here..." I chuckled, feeling her grip now directed at my wrist.

"Then maybe we should go look for Bowser." She began walking, and I quickly followed her footsteps.

And then I didn't watch where I was going.

And then I tripped.

"Woah!" I yelled, pausing when I realised she had managed to loop her arm around my back.

Her face was close to mine, and I could smell her delicate fragrance. She glanced away from me before looking into my eyes and smiling.

"You should really be more careful! We are in the dark lands, after all." She blushed, helping me back to my feet.

I was still stuck in pause, wondering what had just happened.

"Are you coming Mario?"

"Yep, yep! Right away princess!" I laughed, jumping in line with her.

"I think Bowser may be just around this dead tree, you know." She spoke slowly, matching her caution around this area.

"A tail!" I pointed at a bush (or more accurately, a pile of sticks that marked the remains of a bush).

It moved.

"Well look at you, detective plumber." Peach smirked mischievously, before kneeling down to the tail. "Bowser, what did you do with Luigi? I thought I could trust you." She said sternly, folding her arms.

His head popped out from the sticks, a sorrowful expression plastered on it.

"Princess, my koopas turned traitor when they learnt I made peace with your kingdom. They made a coup and-."

"How am I supposed to believe you!" She interrupted, standing up again. "You lied to me when I thought I could trust you. You lied to Mario, and he didn't even know you!"

"Please just listen. It's all true. Kamek, the most loyal of my subjects, turned on me. He cast me out of my castle and my koopas are keeping Luigi in a prison cell." He brought his claws to his face and bowed his head.

Peach's face relaxed. "So you never took Luigi? It was the koopas?"

"Yes princess."

"And they threw you out?" I chimed in, shocked by the information.

"Kamek waved his wand and I landed here."

"If we helped you to become king again, would you still maintain peace with my kingdom?" Peach looked at Bowser with concern visible in her eyes.

"Yes. I would."

I looked and Peach, and she looked back at me.


"Bowser, are you crying?" I inquired, watching a new shine appear in his eyes.

"I just can't help but feel like a failure. I failed you guys, I failed Luigi, I've failed this world." He grunted, stumbling to his feet. "But I guess now that you guys know the truth, we can fix this."

I nodded. "Of course we can. But we need a plan first."

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