Chapter 16: Those goddamn koopas

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Luigi's pov:

I locked eyes with Bowser. It genuinely meant so much to me to know he cared about me in every way.

But that didn't mean this situation was fixed.

Here I was, yet again. The dark lands. Bowser's kingdom. Can I catch a break? This entire alternate world is difficult enough to digest, let alone the fact I learnt I was gay and I'm dating a turtle king.

But he's a nice turtle king.

Eyes locked. Thoughts unravelling into my eyes.

Bowser could see how I felt.

I directed my attention to the surroundings. I'm still as tied up as before, heavily surveyed by the koopa soldiers at all times.

"Bowser. We are not going to let you get away with your outlandish plan to create peace. Dating this...human is bad enough!" A koopa roared, veering off in a different direction with me.

As I struggled behind the layers of rope, I caught another glimpse of Bowser's sorrow, yet another glint of his eagerness to save me.

Mario's pov:

"Peach, where could he have possibly gone? It's been hours! Do you think he drowned down there? What ha-."

"Mario...I never had high hopes for Bowser. But I thought he had changed. If anyone did this, it was him. We should go to the dark lands." Peach interrupted, wearing a serious tone in her voice.

Luigi had been gone for hours.
We waited and waited and waited- he should have been picked up by a pipe.

But no.

"So, Mario, will you set off with me to the dark lands? For your brother's safety and the safety of my world?"

This sounded scary, but mamma mia... I needed my bro beside me again.

"Anything. Anything to save my brother and to save your kingdom." I tried to mask my fear with courage, meeting Peach's eyes."

"I love you, Mario."

She darted forward and planted a kiss on my cheek before grabbing me by the  hand and guiding me through the corridor.

I couldn't help but go pink at her gesture.

Now that's something to say 'mamma mia' about.

Bowser's pov:

These damn koopas would stoop so low as to...disobey their master.

I stomped with an insatiable hunger to kill. Or at the very least attain vengeance.

The ground shook, and directly under my foot came a few cracks.

"My King, what can I do for you?" Kamek nervously edged to my side, subtly waving his wand.

"Just erase those goddamn koopas."

"But sire, don't you realise how-"

"I want my Luigi."


"Did I stutter? Bring me my Luigi! Bring him back! You don't want me to burn a hole through that face of yours, do you?"

"N-no, sire..."

"Good. Now go!"

What an awful exchange. I couldn't believe that even Kamek was beginning to speak against me. But he came around in the end, I suppose.

I entered my castle again, walking to the meeting rooms.

I expected to see a few koopas who were scheduled to meet with me, but instead there were none.

"Where have they..." I whispered, the shuffling behind me destroying my train of thought.

"You aren't our leader! You don't make the rules here anymore, Bowser. We do!"

Those goddamn koopas.

"You don't get a say in who makes the rules, actually. I do. So stop. Before I turn you all into skeletons." I brought my claw to my forehead, calmly stating my thesis.

"Oh yeah-?"


That one miscreant shouldn't have piped up, huh?

"I hope you like your new form." I coolly continued down the corridor to one of the main meeting rooms.

A giant crowd of koopas inhabited it, shouting orders at one another.

"You dimwits, that's my job!"

They all fell silent, glaring at me with disapproval.

"We have formed a coup. You aren't in charge, Bowser. Not until you treat the prisoner like a prisoner and go back to your plans of world dominance!" One yelled.

"Yeah!" All of the koopas joined in.

"If you don't Bowser, we will."

I quickly shot another ball of fire into the room, silencing them again.

I quickened my pace as I reached the prisoners' area. To my surprise, not a single guard was guarding.

I suppose that's what happens when you have absolutely no order in the team.

Luigi's pov:

I shivered in the cell. I trembled, I whimpered, I feared.

This new arrangement of control was even scarier than when I first met Bowser. Bowser was scary enough, but thousands of his determined soldiers all teaming up against his seems scarier.

Here I am again.

Echoing through the hall were some loud footsteps, and they matched perfectly with...

Bowser's! They were Bowser's!

"Lu Lu," he whispered, popping up in front of the bars. "I love you, and I will find a way to stop these koopas. So let's just say...a thousand troops of koopas couldn't keep me from you."

I cracked a smile, even in this dismal situation. "Bowser, thank you.

He offered his claw to me and I stretched my arm through the bars to meet it.

We would fix this, and I knew it for sure.

Writer's note:
I'm so sorry for not writing or being active. Again, I'll try write more often, atleast once a week or so. Thanks for reading and interacting. I hope you are enjoying the story.

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