Chapter 5: ðµr §ê¢rê†

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"Ronnie apologizes for his absence, as he was busy writing a new book titled "Magical Into Dreams". This book continues from his previous work and is worth a read."

To recap, after the bell rang, James and a few classmates headed to their lockers and the restroom while Nova and I walked together. Along the way, we bumped into Isabella, who told us that she suspected someone had broken into our dormitory. Upon arriving at the dorms, we discovered that the place was in shambles, and my brother's walkie-talkie was missing. Despite searching through my bag, I couldn't find anything. I became upset and started to cry, but Nova was there to comfort me. We even shared a laugh when Neol mentioned having a crush on James.

Nova and I couldn't help but laugh out loud, but it caught Mr Lockwood's attention. He sternly told us to stop disrupting the class and the rest of the students fell silent."Mr.Lockwood: James would please likely answer this question what is the spell that reveals secret, written messages"

James calmly said, "Is it Aparecium?" 

 "Yes, you should learn more from your brother instead of your friends." 

"Fine, Mr Lockwood," Stella replied. 

Nova and I went for our flying lesson after class where we spoke to Isabella. During our conversation, Nova proposed that the break-in could have been a practical joke.

Isabella asked, "What makes you believe it's a prank?"

Nova responded, "I think it's a prank because it's December and Christmas is approaching. I'm excited for the ball!"

Stella interjected, "Hold on, did anyone notice who or what was trying to enter the room? I suspect someone may have accessed my brother's walkie-talkie."Nova: well you're in luck here this walkie-talkie was mine and it looks like your brother's walkie-talkie"

Stella: Hey Isabella, did you come across anything else? 

Isabella: Yes, I found an old diary that doesn't belong to any of us in the dorm. Do you or Nova recognize it? 

Stella: No, it's not mine. My diary is pink and back home. do you have a diary that browns you nova?"

"I'm sorry, but the diary doesn't belong to me. I don't even own one." "It's likely that the person who broke in is the owner of the diary." "Please ring the bell for the flying class."

"Additional chapters are currently being updated."

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