36: Undelivered Messages ❗

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???: *knocks persistently on door*

Law: "Is Sanji-ya in there, Zoro-ya? I've been looking for him everywhere but I can't find him."

*no response*

Law: *knocks once more* "Are you there?" *twists doorknob*

Law: "Locked... Guess I'll wait."


Zoro: "Looks like our time is up, Goldilocks." *caresses Sanji's face*

Sanji: *panics* "You got what you wanted... I'm leaving now." *heads towards the exit*

Zoro: "That wasn't exactly what I wanted. That was the only thing I could ask you for in that moment."

Sanji: "Then what is it... What do you really want?"

Zoro: *pulls him away from the exit*

Sanji: "Stop trying to kidnap me in h-"

Zoro: *pushes Sanji onto his bed*

Sanji: "You sick bastard! Perverted beast. Uneducated swine." *gets blanket tossed over him*

Sanji: "H-huh?"

Zoro: *unlocks door*

Zoro: "Hey."

Law: "Sanji's in here, isn't he?"

Zoro: "He just woke up, actually."

Law: "Then if that's the case," *crumbles Zoro's collar in his fists*

Law: "Why was this door locked?"

Sanji: "Law, wait."

Law: *eyes widen*

Sanji: "He was helping me-"

Law: "Helping you? Helping you with what?"

Sanji: "Remember when you and Usopp tried to wake me up before?"

Law: "Yeah, I do. But then we lost sight of you, you disappeared."

Sanji: "I had woken up the first time... But you guys were gone by the time I was starting to open my eyes."

Law: "By then Usopp and I split up. I went back to my Submarine to get more rubbing alcohol, and Usopp went to contact Chopper."


Usopp: "Oi, Sanji!! Wake up!"

Law: "It's a bad concussion. I couldn't catch him on time, he hit his head against the stairs on our way into the Sunny."

Usopp: "Uwahhh, this is bad! I'll go get Chopper!"

Law: "I'm gonna get my first aid kit in the Polar Tang to check him for any additional injuries as well."

~End of flashback~

Sanji: "So that's what happened."

Law: "Your buddies and I were really worried about you." *Embraces gently*

Sanji: *tightens embrace*

Zoro: *stands in front of them with a motionless expression*

Law: "You're shaking. Are you okay?"

Sanji: "I got cold." *steps outside of Zoro's room, staring at him unintentionally*

Zoro: "Is your... Body feeling better?"

Sanji: *gets tense*

Law: *stares, waiting for a response*

Sanji: "Yes, I'm alright now."

Law: *closes Zoro's bedroom door, leaving with Sanji*

Zoro: *presses his ear against his door*

~From the other side of his room~

Law: "Sanji-ya... I don't want you around him. Let alone in his room. What's going on?"

Sanji: "When I didn't see anyone around, I started to look for you and ended up in his room."

Law: "What? That doesn't make sense at all."

Sanji: "I fainted again, must've been another concussion or general weakness. I woke up in his room feeling very confused." *chuckles nervously*

Law: "I'm a little confused too. Of all rooms, you had to 'recover' in his, didn't you?"

Sanji: "I'm very sorry! Really, It's not like I could AIM where to faint!"

Zoro on the other side: *chuckling lightly with satisfaction* "Oh, this is getting good."

Law: "Let's go back to my place."

Sanji: "R-right, good idea! I can't wait to go back. We can talk about this on our way there."

Law: "No need."

Sanji: "No, there IS a need for it. I have to explain something to you."

Law: "No need for that."

Sanji: "But-" *starts walking at a faster pace, while holding onto Law's hand*

Sanji: "Walk a little slower, p-please."

Law: "You said you couldn't wait to get home, didn't you?"

Sanji: *gulps, breathing out silently*

Law: "Well, neither can I. The sooner we leave, the better."

Sanji: "Look, if this is because of me being in his room-"

Law: "Let's talk about that later."

Sanji: "No! I have to do it now, or I won't be at peace and you won't either!"

Robin: "Oh! Leaving again, Sanji?"

Sanji: "H-haha so it seems, Robin-Chan!"

Robin: "Have a safe trip home then, guys."

Sanji and Law: "Thank you."

Sanji: "Torao, can you let me speak to you for a minute, at least?!"

Law: "We'll have plenty of time and privacy to have a full conversation back at my apartment."

Sanji: "This can't wait! Zoro and I-" *voice fades away into the distance*

Zoro: "Shit, they left already! I couldn't follow behind them on time..."

Typing. . .

Zoro: Are you alright?
Sent ✔ 7:13p.m.

Zoro: Hey??
Sent ✔ 7:44p.m.

Zoro: Is everything okay?
Sent ✔ 9:59p.m.

Zoro: Read my messages!
Sent ✔ 12:02a.m.

"Something bad must have happened. And it's my own fault... If something happens to that stupid Cook, I'll never forgive myself."


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