15: Frostbitten ⛄

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Typing. . .

Sunny-ya🌻: [New Snap]

Sunny-ya🌻: [New Snap]

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[Opened just now]

Sunny-ya🌻: You've got some nerve to make me freeze out here for four hours.
Seen ✔ 2:00a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: What a hypnotic view of the moonlight. Nice shot!
Seen ✔ 2:00a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: The scenery. The damn scenery is all you noticed and NOT THE MAN WHO'S TURNING INTO A FROZEN POPSICLE.
Seen ✔ 2:01a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Answer this: Who did it?
Seen ✔ 2:01a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: Did what?
Seen ✔ 2:01a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Who told you to stand outside for four hours?
Seen ✔ 2:01a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: This is YOUR fault for working so late.
Seen ✔ 2:03a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: So now my job is to blame? I told you to meet me by 2 o'clock, but I don't recall telling you to stand outside and turn into Frosty The Snowman.
Seen ✔ 2:03a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: YOU DID NOT-
Seen ✔ 2:03a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Oh, I did.
Seen ✔ 2:03a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: Just wait 'til you get your hindquarters on this ship.
Seen ✔ 2:04a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Am I gonna get mugged or something?
Seen ✔ 2:04a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: I'm making you walk the plank.
Seen ✔ 2:04a.m

Cupid-San🏹: Drowning sounds better than getting attacked by a man with a carrot for a nose.
Seen ✔ 2:04a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: You can suck on my ice cold snowballs.
Seen ✔ 2:04a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: ♪ Sanji Claus is coming to town ♪
Seen ✔ 2:04a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: Oh, so you wanna sing? Make a song out of these lyrics: "We all float down here." ~ 🎈🌊
Seen ✔ 2:05a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Was the wave emoji necessary? That quote is already enough harassment as is.
Seen ✔ 2:05a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: You'll float too ~ 🎈 You'll float too ~ 🎈 You'll float too ~ 🎈Oh wait... You won't ;)
Seen ✔ 2:05a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Have fun being single. I'm getting back into my Submarine.
Seen ✔ 2:05a.m.

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