9: Lost and Found 🕶

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[@ Sunny-ya🌻 replied to your Snap Story!]

Sunny-ya🌻: Those sunglasses were damn expensive too, weren't they?Seen ✔ 9:03a

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Sunny-ya🌻: Those sunglasses were damn expensive too, weren't they?
Seen ✔ 9:03a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: I had my fair attempt at catching them. But guess what?
Seen ✔ 9:03a.m

Sunny-ya🌻: What happened?
Seen ✔ 9:03a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: When I shouted out "room!" a piece of popcorn went flying into my mouth and ruined my chances of catching the sunglasses.
Seen ✔ 9:04a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: I was wondering why you were beat boxing when the ride was going down.
Seen ✔ 9:11a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Sanji-ya, don't test me today. Those sunglasses were 200 dollars.
Seen ✔ 9:12a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: My Versache cologne costs more than that, not to mention my shoes.
Seen ✔ 9:12a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: You can stop calling me poor now, I'd really appreciate it.
Seen ✔ 9:12a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: I'll buy you a new pair on our way back to the Sunny, problem solved!
Seen ✔ 9:13a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: ...I hear you laughing, don't try to hide it by locking yourself in the bathroom.
Seen ✔ 9:10a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: I'm not trying to hide it! I had to run inside because I almost pissed myself!! 😂
Seen ✔ 9:11a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: TMI, Sanji-ya.
Seen ✔ 9:11a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: You had to reattach your own arm once, and last night you told me that another geezer in Elderlandia slapped your ass again before you left the Island.
Seen ✔ 9:14a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: How am I the unscrupulous one here?
Seen ✔ 9:14a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: Fair point. Never remind me of that incident again, I think I had a nightmare because of it last night.
Seen ✔ 9:15a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: Judging by the way you were moving in the bed, I can confirm that you did have one.
Seen ✔ 9:16a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: I slept like a baby last night, you were the one who couldn't stop bouncing around 😉
Seen ✔ 9:18a.m.

Sunny-ya🌻: What type of baby? A newborn infant that cries for milk every 2 hours? 😛
Seen ✔ 9:18a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: I didn't cry, Sanji-ya.
Seen ✔ 9:18a.m.

Cupid-San🏹: And if I did, it most likely only lasted for 2 seconds, not hours.
Seen ✔ 9:19a.m.
(1 😂)

Sunny-ya🌻: Once again, your humor is priceless, Love Doc.
Seen ✔ 9:20a.m.

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