Chapter 25: Return To Routine

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Today, a bunch of years ago I started existing. So to celebrate here's a chapter! The first chapter of s2 and the start of a new code- oh wait you didn't see the last code? Hmm, I'll leave it a mystery for now- maybe till someone gets it. :)

Luz leaned against the railing of the ship, watching the crashing waves of the boiling sea hit against the boat. Her cape billowed in the wind as she kept an eye out for the Selkidomus.

It had been a week since the Petrification Ceremony. A week since Luz returned to her duties as the Amber Guard. A week since she betrayed Eda and gave Belos the portal and key. A week and she was still cursed, still on the Boiling Isles and still nowhere closer to getting back to the Human Realm.

She hasn't touched the cloak Eda gave her since putting it into the drawer in her room. She just couldn't bring herself to look at it. She still kept the belt on her though, it was useful in carrying an elixir with her at all times plus any potions she could use.

Luz sighed and turned around to lean her back against the railing. The assembled crew were all doing their tasks aboard the ship. Sweeping, shoveling coal, hoisting the sails, among other tasks.

It was weird having to get back into the routine of things. During the week she trained with the Coven Heads and the weekends if she was lucky, she got to go out on missions- usually with Hunter. At least she didn't have to go back to the Conformatorium every night like before. The Emperor had still viewed her as a prisoner after allowing her to start training six years ago. Now she was at least given a little more leniency, with the new room and all.

Hunter was elsewhere on the ship, probably filling out reports or something. "We're here. The Simmering Shoals. Eyes peeled, mates." Salty, the captain of the ship said. The crew stopped their tasks and looked over the sides of the ship.

They sailed past a burning ship, the sailors took off their hats and paid their respects. "She's close." Salty muttered as Luz walked closer to the crew. The Selkidomus's tail rose from the water and thwacked against the side of the ship. The ship jolted as everyone stumbled, Luz regained her balance first and quickly took action.

Luz spun her staff, causing ice pillars to rise around the Selkidomus and trap it. Vines shot out of her staff and wrapped around the creature. "Help them, boys! Put your backs into it!" Salty called as the crew came and grabbed onto the vines, helping Luz to pull and eventually tie the vines to the ship.

Footsteps thunked against the wooden deck as Hunter stopped beside Luz. "Did you capture it?" He asked leaning over the railing to take a look. "Yeah we got it for now, where were you?" Luz asked. "Cleaning up the ink mess before it ruined all the reports I just did." Hunter replied. "Alright lets go ahead and-" Hunter was cut off as an explosion went off on the other side of the ship.

Smoke billowed through the air as Luz picked herself off the floor. The Selkidomus broke free of it's restraints and fled. Luz ignored that in favor of investigating what caused the explosion. A silhouette of someone was picking up the bag of money and tossing it over the side of the boat, before following after it.

"Is that a- a ghost pirate?" Salty stuttered in fear. "The money! We're being robbed! Come on let's go!" Luz pulled Hunter to his feet and the two of them hopped onto their staffs to chase after the thief.

They flew after the thief and followed them to a nearby island. Hunter dived down on his staff, Luz rolled her eyes knowing that he would most likely do some flashy entrance. Luz closed in on the shoreline, jumping off her staff and landing on the sandy beach. "Stop! You're under arrest for stealing from an Emperor's ship!"

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