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     After May left to drop Peter and Osborn off at the Sanctum Sanctorum, Liz went home to catch up on some much needed sleep.

     She was kind of...off. Though she felt her conversation with May went well, she was left feeling worse than before. Even without going into full detail, she managed to have teary eyes all the way home.

     What she said was true. She couldn't hear his voice the same anymore. At least she thinks, although she couldn't be sure.

She knew it would happen eventually, reading somewhere once that the first thing you forget when you lose someone is their voice. It's so strange, the realization of how much a person meant to you when you lose them.

     Liz entered her apartment and dropped her bag at her feet as she slipped off her shoes, sluggishly walking to the couch and falling on top of it not-so-gracefully.

     It had been a very long twenty-four hours and the sun was already lowering in the sky. She'd been awake far too long.

     As her eyes began to close, they instead caught onto a folded up piece of paper laying under her tv stand.

Though her organizational skills had died down over the years, Liz still kept a tidy mess and she knew exactly where everything was in her apartment. Something like a piece of paper laying under the tv stuck out to her like a sore thumb.

A divot formed in her brow and she sat up, confused at why it was there. She moved from her seat to the floor and snatched the dust covered paper before leaning her back against the coffee table behind her.

She unfolded it, looking over it in recognition as a smile came to her face.

     She liked to draw, and had actually gotten quite good over the years. She ran her fingers over the color of red and blue, looking over each drawing with a bit of joy in remembrance.

Since she didn't have a picture of her Peter, she was determined to draw him, and though it wasn't exactly what he looked like, it was him nonetheless.

Surrounding the drawing of his features was things that reminded her of him, a sketch of the Empire State Building, a skateboard, and a pair of glasses. Just random doodles that made her feel better the first year she found herself in a different universe.

As she grimaced at an imperfection in his nose she just noticed, her phone started buzzing from the couch where she left it.

     Shuffling to her feet, she grabbed her phone and answered it as she set the paper down on her counter. "Hello?"

     "Hey, um...it's Peter." He spoke almost nervous, Liz getting a feeling he wanted something.

     "What's up?" She asked leaning against her counter as she rubbed her eyes.

     "I kind of need your help...again."

     She sighed, deciding whether or not she should just ghost him at this point. He was getting on her nerves.


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