Chapter 7:Partners

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Summary: Snake Eyes and Tommy take their relationship to a new level
Note:I feel like I haven't written smut or good smut in so long. So I'm sorry if it sucks. Please bear with me as I write this chapter and other chapters that may or may not have smut. I don't know yet. Please enjoy this chapter!

Snake Eyes does not seek out Tommy after the challenge. He feels too raw, too exposed to be with anyone. Instead, he numbly goes to his room, gets ready for bed, and lets tears silently fall down his face as he waits for sleep to claim him.

Snake wakes the next morning, still feeling emotionally worn out, but sleep helps everything. He heaves himself out of bed to stumble towards the shower, letting the hot spray wash away his insecurities. He knows his father is his weakness. He knows vengeance of this level probably isn’t healthy. He knows, he knows, he knows. But he isn't going to do anything about it. Whatever the third challenge is, he has six weeks to prepare. Hopefully he can be done with Kenta by then, and Tommy will never know.

Once Snake is dressed and has had breakfast delivered to him, he goes to seek out Tommy. He finds Tommy on his way back to his rooms, presumably after having eaten with his grandmother and the rest of his clan. Tommy looks briefly surprised to see him in the hallway, but that fades to a soft adoration as he gently clasps Snake’s hand to lead him the rest of the way to his rooms.

Once the two men are both inside, Snake quietly says, “I’m sorry for not seeking you out last night. The challenge was more emotional than I thought it would be.” His eyes stay aimed at the floor, almost afraid of Tommy’s rejection. A soft, calloused hand comes to rest on his cheek, slowly turning his head to meet Tommy’s eyes.

“There is nothing to apologize for. I wanted to offer my help in case you needed somebody to talk to after, but I remember after my challenge I did not want to talk to anyone for days.”

Snake chuckles. “And that’s different from now because…?”

Tommy smiles and rolls his eyes. “I talk to people all the time. It’s not my fault people are scared of me.”

“Hm, pretty sure it is.”

Tommy pulls his hand away from Snake’s face to give him a light swat on the arm. “Who would have thought you were so rude. Disrespecting the next leader of the Arashikage like this.”

Snake laughs. “Oh no, whatever shall I do.” Snake wraps his arms around Tommy’s waist, who in turn wraps his arms around Snake’s shoulders.

“Oh, I wonder.” Tommy says lightly before pulling their mouths together. The kiss quickly becomes heated, with Snake gasping, allowing Tommy to slip his tongue in. Eventually, both have to pull back for air.

“Was there something specific you came to me for this morning?” Tommy asks breathlessly.

“Uh, no?”

“Excellent.” Tommy grins as he latches his lips to Snake’s once again. The two trade heated kisses as Tommy slips a hand under Snake’s shirt, fingers splayed over the smooth muscles. Snake Eyes responds by breaking the kiss for just long enough to tug his shirt off and throw it across the room before furiously kissing Tommy again. Tommy guides Snake to the edge of the bed, before giving him a small shove to land on it. Snake lands, breathlessly watching as Tommy strips off his shirt to join.

“Are we really doing this?” Snake asks, disbelief in his eyes.

Tommy suddenly hesitates, pulling back from Snake. “We do not have to.”

“No, no, I want to, I just, I’ve never really done this with someone I, um, genuinely care about.” Snake blushes.

Tommy smiles as he trails a hand across Snake’s chest. “We don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.”

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