Chapter 5: Development

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Summary: Akiko and Snake Eyes have a discussion, as do Tommy and Snake Eyes.

The next few weeks speed by much faster than Snake thought they would. He only has to go and see Kenta once more, and Kenta is impatient but also gives him time, since he knows how rigorous the Arashikage are.

Snake Eyes find himself spending more and more time with Tommy, without trying to figure out the clan's secrets. The two trade stories, share laughs, and grow closer than either thought they would. Tommy genuinely cares what Snake has to say, and Snake Eyes finds himself thinking about Kenta and the Jewel less and less.

Snake also trains a lot with Tommy, which is...distracting, to say the least. Tommy is a poised and elegant fighter, but never boasts about his achievements. He always helps Snkae up when he wins the round, and always praises Snake for beating him (not that it happens very often).

There is that one time where the two men were fighting without weapons, and Snake ends up with his back to the mat and Tommy straddling his thighs...Both men furiously blused and never spoke of it again. (But each thought about it, many, many times.)

A week before the second challenge, Snake Eyes is approached by Akiko on one of his walks through the gardens, where he definitely is not pining over Tommy. She leans against the bridge Snake is stopped on.

"Ah, hello Akiko. What can I do for you?" Snake asks.

She turns to face him. "Leave now, for starters."

Snake sighs. "I see you still don't trust me then."

"What gave it away?" She asks with a slight eye roll. "I trust Tommy and his judgment but..." she sighs. "His judgment may be clouded with you."

Snake's eyebrows raise. She couldn't possibly know about his more-than-crush right? But, then does her statement mean that Tommy returns Snake's affection? It's so hard to tell with him, and Snake doesn't want to see things that aren't there but, oh Akiko is still talking.

She continues, "I have never seen him this passionate about anyone. Even with me, and he's like my brother. I have never been closer to anohter person than him, and now that you are here the distance between us has grown. So I ask, what are you doing here?"

"I want to prove myself to Tommy and the rest of the clan. I know I need to earn your trust and I am trying."

"Fine. Why did you save Tommy's life?"

Snake's hearbeat pick up, ever so slightly. "He did not deserve to die there."

Akiko crosses her arms. "So you went against the head of the yakuza and almost got yourself killed because you saw one man and thought he didn't deserve to die there?"

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds reckless."

"It was. You know that. Tommy knows that. It's why he trusts you so much."

"I trust him completely. I even trust you, Akiko, because I know you have the clan's best intentions at heart."

"Yeha, tell that to Tommy, will you?" She says with a dry chukcle.

"You know he trusts you. He just doesn't like when his judgment is questioned."

"A flaw we can all relate to, at some point in our lives."

Snake chuckles and turns to gaze out at the koi pond. "Of course."

Akiko turns to watch the fish swim by as well. "Snake Eyes," she pauses with a sigh. "Tommy loves deeply. He does not get attached quickly, and when he does, it is very hard for him to let go, despite the facade he puts on. He has gotten attached to you quicker than I have ever seen, and you are not the first to save his life. Do not abuse that."

Snake turns to face her. His voice is soft as he says, "Akiko, I would never do that." His heartbeat betrays the truth of his words. He does not ever want to betray Tommy, but the likelihood of it happening is increasing every time he sees Kenta and the fire inside him rages up again.

Akiko turns to face Snake. "See, that, I want to believe. And I think I can, in time."

Snake Eyes bows his head to her. "All I ask is that I am given the chance." He raises his head to meet her gaze.

"Like I could deny Tommy anything." She sighs. "Well, thank you for letting me take up your time. Good luck in your next challenge." She turns to go. The only thing that follows her is a quiet "Thank you."

On the eve of the second challenge, Snake Eyes and Tommy are sitting together on a bench under a flowering tree, admiring the night sky. Tommy has some last minute advice.

"You must remember that this challenge is meant to be more difficult than the first. It will be harder than you expect." Tommy says sincerely as he looks at Snake. "I believe in you, but you must be prepared."

"Thank you. I have had a month to mentally prepare and I'm confident, but I also recognize the difficulty I will have to face." Snake turns to catch Tommy's gaze. "How did you get through it?"

“I understood my weaknesses and expected them to be exploited in this challenge.” Tommy hesitantly places his hand over Snake’s on the bench. “You can do this, Snake Eyes.”

“Thank you,” Snake whispers as he turns his hand over to interlace their fingers. Tommy looks surprised, but then hesitantly leans forward to rest his forehead against Snake’s.

Tommy’s eyes are closed as he pulls away. Snake catches him with a palm against his cheek.

"Tommy...can I kiss you?"

Tommy's eyes fly open and he looks taken aback. For a moment Snake thinks he's made a terrible mistake. He starts to pull his hand away before Tommy crashes their mouths together, one hand still clasped in Snake's and the other wrapped around the back of Snake's head. It's over quickly, and Snake wants nothing more than to just do that again.

"Wow," Snake chuckles, his forehead resting aginst Tommy's again. Tommy chuckles, his eyes closed, and his hand moving to clasp Snake's face in his. Snake reels him in for another kiss.

Tommy pulls away more fully this time. "I hope you weren't doing that to get an edge in the challenge, because that's not how it works." Tommy chuckles.

Snake fully laughs at that, still sounding breathless. "Definitely not."

"Good, good. Because I would very much like to do that again."

Snake grins and leans to capture Tommy's mouth again, this time in a more heated kiss.

Tommy laughs and pulls away. "I meant after the challenge, but that works too." Snake smiles and rests his head on Tommy's shoulder.

"Thank you, Tommy. For everything." He says softly, rubbing hsi thumb over the back of Tommy's hand.

Tommy presses a kiss to Snake's hair. "Of course. You deserve everything you've ever wanted."

Snake eyes has to fight back the heat in his eyes at that. No one besides his father has ever treated him with such adoration and care. More than Snake cares to admit, he needs this. For tonight, he can indulge in some much needed adoration. Tomorrow, he much face his weaknesses or face expulsion.

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