Chapter 2: Impressions

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Summary: Snake Eyes arrives at the Arashikage compound

Snake blearily opens his eyes and slowly sits up, letting out a small wince as he takes in his surroundings. He's...on a plane? And not just any plane, but a private jet? Well damn, this guy is rich, more so than Kenta could even hope to be. Suddenly, the small door separating his cabin from the rest of the jet opens.

"Oh good, you're alive." The man says. "My name is Tommy Arashikage, and I owe you a life debt."

"Ah, don't worry about it, man." Snake says in response.

Tommy tilts his head as he grumbles "So American." He notices that Snake is holding his side, and asks "Are you alight? You had a bad injury there."

"Yeah, I'll be fine, thanks." Sanke answers truthfully. He looks around, trying not to stare at the man in front of him. "Where are we headed?"

Tommy chukcles as he replies, "Home."

"Ah, I don't really have a home."

"Not your home, mine." Tommy grins. "I suggest you rest, the flight will be a few more hours," he says as he leaves Snake's cabin and closes the door behind him.

Snake grumbles but readjusts himself and tries to catch a few more winks of sleep before he has to be on high alert on the ground.

"Seriously?" Snake asks as the caravan of black sedans pulls up to the jet.

Tommy just catches his eye and grins, exiting down the stairs and into one of the cars. Snake sighs and follows, sitting next to Tommy. They speed off into Tokyo, with Snake marvelling at the sights while Tommy watches, an interested look in his eye. Snake turns to meet his gaze, but Tommy turns just before Snake can make eye contact. Snake huffs again, resigned to gaze out the window for the rest of the drive.

Even Snake will admit that the Arashikage compound is much more impressive than what Kenta described. Besides jsut the sheet size of it, the security measures and numerous ninjas were enough to scare anyone off.

"Welcome to my home." Tommy says as the cars pull to a stop.

A woman waits at the top of the stairs.

"Oh, is that your wife?" Snake asks, with true curiosity.

Tommy chuckles. "No."




"No," Tommy states as they walk up the stairs. "This is Akiko, our head of security. She gives us advice, but that doesn't mean we have to take it." He says with a sly look at Akiko who gives him an exasperated one back. Akiko gives Snake a once over, as if judging him already. Snake holds her gaze. She turns to lead them into the fortress.

Snake tries to remember the paths they take, but there are countless, so it is a difficult task. He also resigns himself to looking for technological security measures wherever he can. Akiko and Tommy lead him to what seems to be the main building of the compound. They go inisde, where all three kneel on mats in the center of the room.

"The leader of our clan does not often meet with outsiders, so, don't forget to bow." Tommy whispers to Snake, eyes locked to him.

Snake cna only nod in response.

An elegant, older woman dressed in traditional robes steps into the room. Akiko and Tommy bow, with Snake quickly following suit.

"You may rise," the woman says. "Tommy, I see you have brought an outsider into our ranks."

"Yes. He saved my life, and I owe him greatly. I believe he would be a good addition to our clan. We need to move into the future, and I believe he will help us get there," Tommy says, his eyes on the woman, before glancing quickly at Snake.

Akiko then pipes up, "Grandmaster, if I may, respectfully, this man is an outsider and has nothing to do with our clan. Allowing him in is a very high risk."

"You do not trust my judgment, Akiko?" Tommy says coolly, staring at the woman in question.

"Tommy-san, I know you owe him, but we know nothing of him. He is a risk."

"He is a great warrior, and our clan needs more like him. Allow him to prove his worth, Grandmother." Tommy says determinedly.

The clan leader deliberates. "Very well. If he submits himself to the Challenges of the Warrior, he may join the clan if he passes them all. Does he submit?" She asks, gazing into Snake's soul, almost.

Tommy answers before Snake can even open his mouth. "He does." Tommy states confidently, while sharing a glance with Snake.

"Good. See to it the challenges are prepared and he is ready." Sen turns and leaves.

Snake turns to Tommy. "I'm sorry, the challenges of the what-now?"

"The challenges of the warrior. Every initiate in the clan must pass all three. They are determined to strip away your ego and selfishness, until you have only honor and a pure hear. Those who cannot let their ego go will fail, and die." Tommy says seriously.

Snake laughs. Tommy's face remains serious. "What, you're not joking?"

Akiko smirks at them as she leaves the room. "Good luck," she says sarcastically.

"I would not joke about this. These challenges are difficul, but I would not vouch for you if I did not think you could handle it. Come, I will show you to your room." Tommy says as he stands and extends a hand to Snake, who grasps it to haul himself up.

The pair start their walk down the halls, with Snake noticing how every person stops to bow at Tommy as they pass.

"I am next in line to be leader of this clan. That is why they all bow." Tommy states, nonchalantly. "I can feel your gaze upon them."

"Sorry. So, I heard Kenta say that you were cousins? Is that true?" Snake asks gingerly.

Tommy sighs. "Yes. We grew up together. There can only be one ruler of this clan, so Kenta tried to kill me. His betrayal was shown, and I was given the chance to decide his fate. I banished him instead of killing him, a choice I still regret." Tommy stops in the hall, and turns to face Snake. "Why did you not kill me?"

Snake gulps under the piercing gaze. "I just couldn't. I saw honro in your eyes. You did not deserve to die there."

Tommy holds his gaze before humming his agreement and turning to continue along. "I appreciate it. I knew you would not kill me."

Snake's brows furrow. "Why?"

"Because I saw honor in your eyes too."

The words are spoken as absolute truth. Snake almost gasps, his reason was a lie fed to him by Kenta, wereas Tommy was speaking directly from the heart. Not for the first time, Snake was starting to feel a small of guilt and anxiety creep up around the edges of his heart.

Tommy stops. "Here are your rooms."

Hold on, rooms, plural? Holy shit, this palce is a palace.

"Wow, I've never had any place like this," Snake says in awe.

"As long as you are here, my home is your home," Tommy says sincerely as he rests a hand on Snake's shoulder. "The first challenge will be in two days. Prepare yourself, and remember to let go of your ego." Tommy pats Snake's shoulder and nods, then leaves down the hallway.

Snake does not know what to do next. Tommy is not what he expected. Tommy is not how Kenta described. Tommy seems to be the good one here, not Kenta. But Kenta has something that Snake needs, and Tommy does not, at least not yet. The ma is attractive, but Snake does not need him to survive. He need to find his father's killer, through any means necessary.

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