Chapter 6: Weakness

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Snake wakes up the morning of his second challenge feeling happier than he’s ever been. He basks in the feeling for a moment before suddenly realizing what a dilemma he’s gotten himself into. Shit. He has to tell Kenta he can’t do this anymore. Maybe he can lie and say there is no possible way to get the Jewel, but then again, Kenta would either not believe him or kill him on the spot. Plus, Snake still feels the intense pull to find out who murdered his father.

Maybe he could just cease all contact with Kenta. Maybe he could kill Kenta himself. Maybe he should tell Tommy-- no. Tommy would never forgive him, and either would banish him, where Kenta would kill him, or Tommy would just kill Snake himself. Shit. Snake just has to get through this second challenge. Then he can decide what to do.

Snake Eyes has a slow morning and afternoon, since the challenge doesn't start until dark.

He doesn’t actively seek out Tommy, but he does not avoid him either. Snake Eyes takes dinner privately that evening, and is finishing up when a knock on the door startles him. He wipes his hands, gets up, and goes to answer the door. He slides the door open and sees Tommy on the other side, and instantly gives him a soft smile.

“Hi, Tommy,” He says softly. “Please, come in.”

“Hello, Snake Eyes,” Tommy says as he enters the room with his hands clasped behind his back. As soon as the door shuts, Snake Eyes finds himself against the wall with Tommy’s lips on his own. He kisses back ferociously, even though both men know this isn’t going anywhere, not tonight. They pull apart, each breathing heavily.

“Well, I’m not sure what I did to deserve that, but please let me know so it can happen again,” Snake says, grinning.

Tommy rolls his eyes fondly. “I wanted to come see you before your challenge. It looks like you have barely gotten ready, and it starts in an hour.” Tommy gives him an exasperated look.

“Eating dinner is getting ready!”

“I suppose.”

“Come on, you just wanted to see me before the challenge started for a bit of good luck on my behalf. Couldn’t wait the last hour?” Snake says, smiling as he wraps his arms around Tommy’s waist. Tommy stiffens, but relaxes a moment later, putting his hands on Snake’s biceps.

“I will not be at the challenge tonight. This one is personal, only Blind Master will be there with you,” Tommy says.

Snake’s smile falters. “What do you mean, it’s super personal?”

“Blind Master will explain. You need not worry, this challenge shows you your weaknesses so you can work to overcome them. It is less of a pass or fail, and more a preparation for the third challenge and the joining of the Arashikage.” Tommy says as he extracts himself from Snake’s arms. He cups Snake’s face. “I believe in you. You are strong.” He punctuates his statement with a soft kiss to Snake’s lips.

“Thank you, Tommy.”

“You can come find me after the challenge, if you wish. I will either be in the security room or my rooms.” Tommy moves to go to the door. “I should let you finish up here.”

“Hey,” Snake says as he moves to steal one more kiss before Tommy leaves. God, it’s nice being able to do that. “Of course, I’ll come find you.”

Tommy gives a fond smile at that. “Good luck, Snake Eyes.” With this, he leaves.

Snake Eyes finishes his food, then gets dressed and heads to the spot in the forest where Blind Master had said to meet. He’s barely in the clearing before Blind Master calls out a greeting.

“Ah, Snake Eyes. Are you ready for your second challenge?”


“Good. This challenge you must face alone. Follow the light, and the challenge will begin.”

Snake Eyes nods as Blind Master pulls an orb of light from seemingly nowhere, releasing it into the air. The orb starts moving and glowing brighter as Snake follows it. He’s worried about what it will reveal. All of the sudden, the light gets blinding and overtakes everything. Suddenly, Snake Eyes is back in the bushes outside his father’s burning house. He sees that man, that murderer walk by. He wants to cry out, to scream, to attack, but he cannot.

The view switches. Suddenly, he's with his father in the hosue, no fire around.

"Hello, son."

"Dad? But, but how?" Snake Eyes frantically asks as he moves to wrap hsi fahter in a bone-crushing hug, tears forming in both men's eyes.

"Don't worry about specifics. How's my boy?"

"Dad, I'm, I'm so sorry, I couldn't save you, and I've been trying to find out who did this but I-I and I'm sorry," Snake sasy through tears, clutching at his father's arms like a lost child. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, it's my fault." Snake says as a sob wracks his body.

A hand reaches up to wipe tears away. "Hey, it's alright, this is not your fault. You were just a child. And I'm so, so proud of you. Just look at who you've become! What kind of father would I be if I wasn't proud of you?"

His father's words are so sincere, they almost hurt to hear. Snake Eyes encases his father in another hug. "Thank you, Dad. I love you," He says as he pulls away.

The vision starts to fade. "NO, Dad, wait, I can fix this," Snake frantically shouts as everything goes blurry.

"Let me go, son. It's the only way."

The vision fades completely. Snake Eyes is hunched over on the forest floor, crying. He hears the footste[s of Blind Master come up behind him.

"Congratulations, Snake Eye. You have completed the second challenge," he says quietly. "Come, let's get you back to your rooms. Remember what you have learned here. You must overcome what the challenge showed you in order to pass the third and final one."

Snake Eyes nods shakily as he slowly rises to his feet. The two men head back to the compound, as a light rain starts to drizzle over them.

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