Chapter 4: Storytelling

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Summary: Everyone's favorite yakuza boss makes an appearance, and Tommy has a gift for Snake Eyes.

Snake has to go see Kenta, to let him know that he's on his way into the Arashikage. Snake sighs, and gets ready to leave. At least Tommy said he was free to go whenever he wanted.

Snake makes his way to the garages, and asks one of the workers for keys to a motorbike, since Tommy also said he could use one. He gets on, and punches it out of the garage and out of the Arashikage complex. He makes his way through the streets of Tokyo to a bathhouse in the midst of the city, where Kenta awaits. Snake clenches his jaw so he prepares to go in, before resigning himself to not give any more information than necessary about Tommy and the Arashikage.

Kenta is waiting for him behind a cloud of steam.

"Hello Snake Eyes. Congratulations on getting into the Arashikage."

"Tommy told me youre whole story. If this is all about some bullshit family drama, I'm out, right now." Snake Eyes shoots back.

"Now, now, while it is true that we know each other, this is about restoring my honor, something I'm sure you can understand. Plus, you made the plan more difficult. All you had to do was get him on the boat." Kenta sneers.

Snake Eyes sighs. "Yeah, well that plan went to shit when he took out fifty yakuze just to get to you. Thanks for that loevely heads up."

"It was unforeseen complication. But you are in now. When can you get the Jewel?"

"I've barelyhad time to familiarize myself with the place. But I'm working on it. Tommy completely trusts me already, but there are a few who are still wary of me, even after the first challenge."

"Hm. Take them out if necessary. All that matters is the Jewel."

Snake Eyes huffs. "Yeah, I got it. My next challenge isn't for a month, apparently. That should give me time to fain everyone's trust and find out where the gem is."

"A month is a long time to wait. You better get that jewel. Can't have you going soft on me." Kenta reaches to pat Snake's cheek. "Well done for now. I'll be in touch." Kenta says as he turns to leave. "Oh, and Snake Eyes, don't get attached." He says with one final look, a knowing gleam in his eyes.

Well that could've gone worse, all things considered. Snake Eyes has to stay on track. At least this visit gave him clearer sight into what he's fighting for: vengeance. As long as he hold onto that, he'll be fine.

The drive back to the compound race by. In the blink of an eye it seems, Snake is back at his temporary home. He parks the bike, and heads to his room, still wary of the security cameras everywhere. He runs across Akiko in the halls.

"Snake Eyes! Excuse me, I was just heading out from the security room."

"No worries. I've gotta get to bed anyway."

"Congratulationson passing the first challenge. The next two are more difficult. Good luck." Akiko says as she turns to go.

"Uh, thanks?" Snake says at her back as she walks down the hall. Well, good to know she still doesn't trust him. As long as he has Tommy in his corner, everything will be fine.

Snake Eyes wakes the next morning much after dawn.

He washes up, then decides to explore the compound more. He tells himself it's to report details back to Kenta, even though he knows he might be wandering to look for Tommy.

He finds the man in a small garden. Tommy has a beautiful sword in his hands.

"Ah, Snake Eyes, just the man I wanted to see." Tommy says with a small smile. "I have something for you." Tommy holds the sword in both hands in front of him. "She is for you."

Snake could not believe himself. "Oh wow, it's beautiful...but, why give it to me?" Snake says as he lets his fingers drift over the sword.

"It is gift, to congratulate you on passing the first challenge. You have no weapon, and deserve one as amzing as you seem to be." Tommy says, fully handing Snake Eyes the katana.

Snake unsheaths it, revealing a beautiful two-tone blade. "Tommy, I really cannot begin to thank you." Snake says, sheathing the sword once more and looking at Tommy.

Tommy just smiles. "No need to thank me. You deserve it." He puts a hand on Snake's shoulder. "Come, let's take a walk. I should tell you the story of my clan."

"For six hundred years, our ninja have brought peace to the world. The Arashikage were once honored with a visit from the Sun herself. She left behind a piece of herself; the Jewel of the Sun. We are the guardians of the Jewel. It can be used to destroy anyone and anything. We vow to never use the jewel, and to keep it hidden away from any who would dare try and take it."

Snake Eyes listens keenly. "Wow, that must take a lot of security."

Tommy chuckles. "Yes, of course. That is why only a select few have access."

"Damn, I suppose I can't go take a peek then?"

Tommy chuckles again, but Snake can tell he's pushing it a little. "Sorry, no. Only my grandmother and the master have access." Tommy pauses. "And me, of course, but even I cannot show it to you."

Snake eyes inwardly sighs. Damn, there goes that plan. "I understand. Good on you all for protecting if for so long, it mjst be difficult."

Toomy stops near a large tree in the center of a courtyard. "Yes, it is. But also, not many people have the guts to try and take it from us. At the rish of sounding boastful, the Arashikage are extremely excellent at their jobs."

Snake Eyes stops next to Tommy, and leans on the tree. "I'm sure those laser boundaries on the roof help too."

Tommy gives a small smile and says, "Of course." Tommy turns towards Snake. "I have taken up too much of your time already. Feel free to keep exploring, and do let me or Akiko know if you need anythign else."

Toomy inclines his head and turns to go, but is stopped by Snake grabbing his arm. Tommy looks up at Snake, surprised.

"Uh, give me a tour? The next challenge isn't for a month, and I barely know where anythign is, I mean unless you have other business?" Snake says hurriedly.

Tommy still looks a little surpised. "Of course, I can show you around. Nothing I have to do cannot wait until later. {lus, this way I can avoid Akiko's opinions on you and me."

"You and me?"

Snake swears Tommy has the slightest amount of color on his cheeks. "I mean, on me letting you take the challenges of ocurse. Let's continue this way." Tommy says as he changes the subject and starts leading Snake throught the compound.

Snake smirks. "Of course," He says to himself.

The tour is insightful, but does not give Snake many more details to tell Kenta, beside a few more security measures.

Once Snake is alone again, he sighs. Why does Tommy have to be one of the kindest and most honorable people he's met? Why does he have to have such a stupid, attractive face?

Snake groans and lies face down on his bed. This is not going to be easy.

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