14. Throne Of The KIMS

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Blood Moon.... and Vihokratana....

The underworld is their playground.

Koreans fear the LEGENDARY MOONS

Cold Moon - Kira or Akira
Known for having a ruthless character. I mean, there's no such history where this person has shown mercy to someone. He's second in command.

Crescent Moon - Ghost General aka Law
Known for 'going by the rules'. He's an emotional guy, but nothing matters if it's about family and work. His is the 3rd voice.

Black Moon - Shadow rider aka Light
The craziest of the 4 Moons. Very childish, feminine and secretive. Doesn't give a shit if Alpha allows it. First person to get assigned on a task. Mostly Spy.

Blood Moon - Red Lily
Doesn't have a face! I mean no one's ever seen RL's face. A very ruthless shadow fighter. Kind of like the mixture of the above Moons.

The woman of the pack. Kinda like the queen, Alpha's wife. Only person who can control the Cold, Crescent and Black Moon and the Alpha. Is the No.1 Assassin of the country.

The Head/Leader of the pack (Blood Moon). Big guy with a cold heart. He makes the rules, he is the rule. But when it comes to RL and Luna, he's got a soft-plushie heart.

It's like this:
When the pack needs to handle a case,
Light takes it first,
Then it's handed to Law, If necessary.
If the case is still unsolved even after Law gets involved, mahn~~ It's Akira's turn to end it, for good.

Having doubt, if the RL doesn't do anything?!

Well well well
It's better not to get RL involved at all.
Don't even ask for opinion.


Just as Koreans Fear the Blood Moon Mafia,

Thai people is also scared of the VIHOKRATANAs.

This particular Mafia family is known in Thailand for being as cruel and ruthless as the THEERAPANYAKULs.

Well it's just family things!!
It's been a family thing...yep just family thing!!!

Theerapanyakuls are kind of like the in-laws of Vihokratana...
Yep...just in-laws!

Well Gulf's greatgrandpa is Mr. Korn. Which makes.., Porsche his grandmom/papa?! Idk!


From the legacy of Kumol, now to Chimon... Theerapanyakuls been in the Mafia shit. And then BOOM!!
Ohm's (Porsche's Son) and Nanon's (BigKen's Son) baby aka Off, Sam (LadyBoss) and Bright's brother Guf fell in love with Mew~~~


Let's talk about Vihokratana now!

Appo paranjuvannath...

Vihokratana Family also have like a Hospital-business and things...

It's still a mystery how this whole half-Thai-half-Taiwan family became mafias, as their grandpa Lu (Din) was a Police then a businessman, and his hubby Ken, a photographer.

Their Son-in-law is a businessman/ aka Blood Moon Techs' Founder.

So... what I'm trying to say is...

Blood Moon Mafia and Vihokratana Mafia and Theerapanyakul Mafia are in-laws!

Which means Kims and the Thais are Family.

Which means... our villain is, has already done his part of the mission.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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