3. Stay the Night

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The dark brown haired girl's eyes are wider than saucer. She in this state looked like a character straight out of an anime. Eventhough she was in a mix of amuzement and surprise her facial expression looked very cute.
At least to whatever or whoever was standing infront of her.



You flinching out of your surprised state when someone cleared their throat.
You looked at everyone standing looking at you with worry and concern until your eyes landed on familiar yet unfamiliar eyes.
You both looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds before turning to the man who started talking.

"Ehem... can you tell us why those people were chasing you and are you okay?" He frowned noticing your sweat dripping forehead.

You were really amazed hearing that voice live, asking you questions of concern.

"I...I was going back to my apartment after work and bumped into some thugs who had wanted to touch me. So I ran away kicking one of them down but the others were following me. And I lost my way."

The men were now gritting and clenching their fists. They were angry at the fact that a girl wasn't safe to walk down the alley at this time.

"You...., you don't have to worry I can go back. I think they won't come this way again soon." You turned to the door gripping your schoolbag.

"Where do you think you're going this late at night when there is people searching for you?!"

The short-pale man among the men asked you, annoyed at the fact that you were trying to go back at this situation.

"Yeah, Suga hyung is right. You can't go out now." The man with a heart smile said.

"Maybe we should let her stay here the night." The man who spoke first when you came in said.

"Yes, Joonie we have like 2 unoccupied rooms and we can let her use one." The man wearing RJ pyjama said.

"Can't we just drop her back at her place?" The man who was unfamiliarly familiar to you spoke up. He looked a little annoyed.

"That's right I can just go back. You don't have to be burdened...I I can just call a ca--"

"You are staying here little girl and that's final!"

"Umm..." you hesitancy looked at everyone. They doesn't look annoyed or burdened. But rather happy?!! Well of course except that one muddle head.
You were confused to why they would though!

Now the eight of you were sitting in the living room. holding a cup of hot water.

"Oh.... hyungs!!!!"

"What is it Tae?" Jin enquired.

"We haven't introduced each other yet."

"That's right hyung!"

"Okay then...let me introduce myself.
I am Kim Seokjin, the eldest in the room and you are standing in the Bangtan House!"

Even though you recogniced the seven men the moment you came in, you were still excited realizing where you were. You could see them almost everyday on the news and magazines. They were the CEOs of HYBE LABELS.

"I'm Kim Namjoon, the leader of this people and House."

"Joon...." Jin

"Okay..maybe not the house.."  He said a little embarrassed, scratching his nape.

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