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It is a subject no one really wants to talk about.

It raises many questions no one wants asses.

Because, no one knows what comes after death, and that is the question we ask ourselves throughout most of our lives.

We always look to the next page, we look


Some of us have found our own variations of the truth we like the most.

But the real truth; no one knows.

Some of us find comfort in faith, trusting that the hands of a God will take them when their time is right.

Others fight.

They research relentlessly to find the answers that they seek.

And some, float.

They have accepted that they cannot know what lies beyond this life. They cannot unlock the mysteries held above us. And they just


No matter what you believe, no matter how you cope with the gaping hole of uncertainty,

Death provokes us.

It makes us,


It stirs up the tides.

The waves crash against the bay.

It may ignite anger and frustration, sadness and emptiness.

But, what is life without tides?

We cannot live in still water.

Though it may be calm and serene,

It is boring and lifeless.

Though death may carry us to places of uncertainty on tides of many emotions,

It is a fact of


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