The Monster

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Children always fear that there might be monsters under their bed, or in their closet.

"Goodnight mom, love you" the boy said to his mother after she tucked him in bed.

"Goodnight" his mother said in reply on her way out.

"Wait, make sure the doors are closed, so the monsters won't get me" the boy said.

"Ok honey, I will" with that the boy's mother walked out of the room.

That night, the boy couldn't sleep, his curious mind still afloat.

He wondered, and wondered.

His thoughts travelled for miles as he lay in bed.

He wondered about the monsters.

Under his bed, in his closet.

He became timid,

He hid under his blankets, away

Away from the monsters.

With that soon he grew tired, his mind slowed, and he drifted off into sleep.

Children always fear that there might be monsters under their bed, or in their closet.

"Goodnight mom, I love you." The boy said to his mother after she tucked him in bed.

"Goodnight." His mother said in reply on her way out.

"Wait, make sure the doors are closed so the monsters won't get me." The boy said.

"Ok honey, I will." With that the boy's mother walked out of the room.

The boy, young and curious, was still awake.

It was the early hours of the morning, and as every young mind,

He was off in wonderland, thinking.

The monsters crossed the boy's mind.

He became curiouser and curiouser.

He ventured out of bed, and opened his closet door in the darkness.

The boy was welcomed with open arms,

"Hello," the monster said, "I can make you feel better."

"How?" The boy asked.

"I take away your pain, I make you fell happy. It's like magic!" The monster said.

"Ok", the boy said. "I want to feel better."

They boy stayed with the monster.

Though they stayed in the closet, clothes everywhere,

They travelled.

They crossed the seas, they saw sights no one can imagine.

The boy felt no pain, no suffering. The monster made him feel happy,


Children always fear that there might be monsters under their bed, or in their closet.

"Goodnight mom, I love you." The boy said to his mother after she tucked him in bed.

"Goodnight." His mother said in reply on her way out.

His mother walked out of the room, leaving her son to rest.

The boy was not tired.

He was not sleepy.

He was not thinking of far away places.

All he could think about was the monster.

The monster made him


He wanted to go back.

He opened the closet, "hello again." Said the monster.

The monster welcomed the boy once again.
As they had the night before, the travelled.

The boy was happy.

He wanted more.

He didn't want to leave.


The next day the boy did not attend his classes, he plead illness. His mother went off to work, leaving her son.

The boy was sick. He wanted the monster to come back.

He needed the monster.

"Hello once again, long time no see." The monster said.

The monster once again welcomed the boy to join him.

They travelled.

Though the boy was not happy.

"Why is it not the same anymore? I thought you were my friend?" The boy plead.

Children always fear that there might be monsters under their bed, or in their closet.

"Goodnight mom." The boy said to his mother after she tucked him in bed.

"Goodnight." His mother said in reply on her way out.

It was now every night that the boy visited the monster.

The monster was his only friend.

The monster welcomed the boy with open arms, made him happy, made him safe.

"You are my only friend." The boy said.

The monster said noting in reply.

It was now that things


The monster no longer made the boy happy. The monster was holding him up by the strings.

The monster was the puppet master

The boy was the puppet,


Children always fear that there might be monsters under their bed, or in their closet.

"Goodnight mom." The boy said to his mother after she tucked him in bed.

"Goodnight." His mother said in reply on her way out.

The boy came to the monster. He walked slowly, trudging.

His face was covered with blemishes,

His smile dulled, no longer a pearly white.

"Traitor!" The boy said to the monster.

The monster said nothing.

The monster


A sly smile, teeth yellowed, eyes hollow.

The boy walked away from the monster,

Tears in his eyes.

They burned on his cheeks, running over the blemishes and scars.

He looks in the mirror.

These scars will not heal. They are always there.

The boy was tired.

He was sleepy.

He went to sleep, he travelled one last time.

The boy has travelled far away, but he is not coming back.

Children always fear that there might be monsters under their bed, or in their closet.

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