Take A Hike

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Walking along and unpaced path, patches of sunlight leak through to touch my skin.

The flowers beneath my feet gravitate just enough to be touched by the patches of sun let through.

The trees stand tall, branches a fray.

The are guards, acting as shelter for for inhabitance of lesser mass.

I continue to move through what seems like a small universe in itself, and I watch.

I watch as the plants on the ground take in the nutrients of the soil, the bees collecting pollen, and the birds finding food for their young and in an instant fly back to their best high in the trees.

As I watch, I begin to see.

Every specimen serves its own purpose, each dependent on the next.

It is an undeniable, unbreakable balance that is here.

I stand here, and I breathe. In, and out.

The sun, touching my skin is no longer present, but shining elsewhere.

Now, I look up to a face of night, dozens of stars staring back at me,

Like freckles.

And I think,

Somewhere, above this forest, and even above the face of freckled stars that has created all of this, it is all out of my reach, beyond my control.

I stare up at the sky one last time, and begin to laugh.

I all this, in all the the tiny universes around me, I am only one of the many brings present.

I have my place in my tiny universe, and that universe is interlaced with the work of another.

It is all connected here,

In the grand scheme of things.

All of my work, it is all menial. I am all but a statuette in a snow-globe, held by a specimens greater than all of the tiny, interconnected universes.

And now I breathe. In, and out.

And I smile.

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