Chapter 1

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Roaming the Earth, Mortilda searches for her wife Octavia.

Roaming the Earth, Mortilda searches for her wife Octavia

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She sees her best friend Lolita running toward her.

She sees her best friend Lolita running toward her

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"There you are, Mortilda." Lolita says. "What have you been doing all this time? I haven't seen you in so long that I was starting to get worried."

"I'm looking for Octavia." Mortilda says. "She fell into a portal, and right now it appears the search has led me to Germany."

"I want to help you." Lolita says.

"Thanks for the offer," Mortilda says, "but I think I'm gonna refuse. This could be dangerous, and I don't want you getting hurt."

"I just want to help you. Friends are supoosed to help each other." Lolita says. "Which train are you waiting on?"

"The one to Bottrop." Mortilda says.

"And why did you decide to take a train from the Netherlands rather than go directly to Bottrop?" Lolita asks.

"Because I wanted some liquorice to snack on, and there's quite a large market for liquorice in the netherlands." Mortilda answers. "Besides, don't you think I'd draw unneccessary attention to myself if I just flew to Germany? If somebody has Octavia as a hostage, they would see me coming if I don't try to blend in with the crowds, so I'm taking a train from Wageningen to Bottrop."

"You actually like liquorice? The black, vine-like snack flavoured with anise? You know they don't put actual licorice root in that stuff, right?"

"I know," Mortilda says, "but liquorice is a shinigami's favourite snack."

"What exactly is a shinigami?" Lolita asks.

"A shinigami is an angel of death." Mortilda responds. "Angels are assigned with different responsibilities meant to help maintain balance throughout the universe. You may have heard of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; war, pestilence, famine and death. War, pestilence and famine serve to bring suffering to the living, but as an angel of death, I serve to cull the restless souls of the dead so they do not interfere with the living."

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