A Match Into Water I

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Well, well, well, I've been waiting for this: The James chapters. There are 4 James chapters in total (14, 15, 28, 29) and they all have the same song. By chapter 28 you will know why I chose this song.


Make me a promise here tonight, love like a tidal wave
Dreamless in early graves, I never want it to be this way
The chemicals will bring you home again
This is it, when it's done, we can say that
When it's sudden death, we fight back
- A Match Into Water by Pierce The Veil

In 1971 James met Sirius on the train to Hogwarts and instantly became his best friend. Over the year, he learned many things about Sirius, good and bad. He also learned a life lesson within the first two weeks: Not every child has good, loving parents.

Sirius doesn't have good or loving parents.

Sirius never liked talking about his home life. In later years, he liked complaining and ranting, but he always keeps the details to himself.

The only person Sirius spoke fondly of was his little brother. Sirius had missed his baby brother like crazy and had been so incredibly worried about him when he didn't get the weekly letter on Monday. On more than one occasion, Sirius had half assembled a rescue party for him by the time the belated letter arrived on Tuesday morning.

Needless to say, James was excited to meet this brother. He expected another great friend.

Eleven-year-old Regulus Black was a shy and quiet child who clung to his brother. Not physically, but one could read his unwillingness to move away from him in the way he looked at them and held himself.

Sirius and Regulus got on the train and Sirius threw open the compartment door to present his brother like the winner of a competition: "Everybody, this is my little brother Regulus. Reggie, this is my best friend in the world: James. Also, my other best friends Remus and Peter."

Regulus had looked at the three boys uncertainly and then followed Sirius into the compartment.

"So, Regulus, any idea what house you will be in?" James had asked Regulus eventually.

Regulus shrugged, "Slytherin, I guess."

"No, no, you will be a Gryffindor, like me," Sirius said then and he sounded so sure of himself, his large grin full of anticipation, "We will have a great time together, I will show you around the school and you can eat with us. You will be friends with the coolest people in Hogwarts."

James thinks, today Regulus would have said something sarcastic and mean to that to make fun of Sirius. But this shy child just looked at his brother with big, grey eyes.

"What if I get into Slytherin, though? Mother wants me to be in Slytherin."

Sirius' grin fell for a moment, but he picked it back up before Regulus could see it, and said "It will be fine, Reggie."

Regulus was sorted into Slytherin rather quickly, and James can still clearly remember Sirius' face. It was an awful mixture of sadness and disappointment. For the entire year, James had barely seen Regulus.

James didn't interact with Regulus, ever, until this February. But he has always looked out for him, in a way. Even after everything, after Sirius' rants started to include Regulus after Sirius came to him in the early hours of the morning cursing his parents and brother, James has always felt like he should look out for his best friend's little brother. It is his duty as a best friend.

Regulus slowly grew into a rather handsome teenage boy. He became Seeker for his house team; he gained two friends and all-around seems well-adjusted in his house.

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