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Warning: Reference to Child Abuse
Yet another racist speech I have taken from a german right-wing politician
Today, courtesy of Alice Weidel - a lesbian woman who lives with her immigrant wife and their children in Switzerland, while heading a political party in Germany that wants to take gay marriage & adoption rights away, wants to stop immigration and double citizenship and other things like this. Weird-ass woman. Anyways, for the speech which I've used as the template for what I've written here, she was actually officially criticised for discrimination and called to order by the president of the Bundestag.


I'm in between
The sky & sea
I'm floating in Oblivion
I'm in between
Entrapped and free
I'm floating in Oblivion
I'm in the middle of
The best & worst of me
Hurts to breathe
Can't believe I'm so lost
All I want is someone to find me
Bring me back from Oblivion
- Oblivion by Palaye Royal

In the third week of the summer holidays, Regulus is told to dress in his best clothes, wear the family jewellery and be silent.

They will be hosting guests tonight. It is a great honour. Some other people will come to, people who want to meet the guests. Most of the Black family will be there, too.

Regulus complies, occupied with trying to push down the noise in his head.

He is aware of James' pendant. It presses cool against his skin under his dress shirt. Feeling it there is like being connected to a ventilator.

He breathes in.
He breathes out.
He goes downstairs.

Kreacher has been preparing and cleaning for the event the entire day and preceding night.

Regulus has not asked the nature of the event. He has his instructions. He will function.

The first guests to arrive are Lucius and Narcissa. She seems displeased with having to postpone her honeymoon for this, but only in the hidden way Regulus alone can identify.

Then the Avery and Rosier families arrive. The Mulcibers arrive a half hour later, then two men called Crabbe and Goyle and their wives. To Regulus, the wives seem like poor imitations of Narcissa. They are trying to be something they are not with white powdered faces and blood red lips, it washes them out instead of complementing them. They flock to Narcissa and are noticeably quiet, trying to follow her example in behaviour.

Similarly, Crabbe and Goyle are hanging on Lucius' lips and repeat the compliments he pays to Walburga and the house.

Finally, Bellatrix arrives with her husband and brother-in-law, they are accompanied by a man called Yaxley.

Regulus shakes the hands of the men, kisses the hands of the women, and kisses the cheeks of his cousins.

They are gathered in the drawing room, making polite conversation about empty things and old names.

Regulus plays his part, as he has always done on evenings like this. He is polite and charming and talks about the estate and the assets his family owns in a way that would be bragging if he didn't say it with the attitude of "Of course it is this way, it is the only way to live."

The room is buzzing with anticipation. It is the impatient expectation that has prevailed in the pub before Bellatrix's speech and that is pulsing through the students in the Slytherin common room every other weekend, when they are waiting for Mulciber and Avery to speak to them about blood-purity, like little children gathering around their mother to read them bedtime stories about scary monsters and shiny knights – substituted for the dirty blood of muggleborns and the absolute supremacy of their own ancestry.

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