The News

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Lindsay sits on the couch watching the news as her mom finishes packing up her luggage for Oklahoma. Her school assigned a trip to Oklahoma to study twisters and their suppose to be leaving this afternoon. Lindsay really just wants to spend time with Casey, her best friend. Lindsay stares at the TV with no interest until the words "BREAKING NEWS!" fill the screen and then the shot is changed to a woman, with shoulder length brown hair, black glasses and a black woman's suit sitting behind her desk. "We were just in formed that yesterday at 8pm Oklahoma City suffered a serious of tornadoes, leaving hundreds wounded and dead. Rescue patrols are now in the scene looking for survivors where they will be immediately taken to a hospital." The woman says. The screen is changed into a point if view above where everyone can see the scene. It takes Lindsay just a few seconds to remember that her best friend, Casey, lives in Oklahoma now. Lindsay's mom walks into the room with her cellphone in her ear.

"Yes, thank you." Lindsay's mom says into the phone and hangs up.

"Lindsay, the school trip has being canceled." Her mom says.

"Mom, Casey's there." Lindsay says as she lets out a tear. "What if she's dead?" Lindsay's mom sits on the couch next to Lindsay and throws her arms around her shoulders as Lindsay lets out her tears.

"I'm sure she's fine. Casey's a strong girl and I'm sure she's being rescued right now." Lindsay's mom says to her. They cut the scene from the point above and back to the woman behind her desk.

"Survivors that have being rescued say that the twister came unexpected and didn't have time to get to their storm cellars."

Lindsay and her mom stay cuddle up in the couch for hours, hearing about the disaster in Oklahoma. Lindsay's heart is broken and worried just thinking that her best friend, Casey, is dead or hurt. She'll do anything to help the people in Oklahoma, especially her best friend. Lindsay stays the entire day praying to God for Casey to be okay and buying blankets, food and medicine to send to the hospitals in Oklahoma. With that, Lindsay falls into a deep sleep.

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