14. Another Sacrifice

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나는 지금 거의 괜찮았는데. 수철아, 왜?

I'm almost fine now. Soo Chul-a, why?

Yongwon Metropolitan Hospital.

They arrived at the hospital and stayed alert with their rifle. "Are there spheres?" Il Ha nervously turned his body to Young Soo. "No." He shook his head after looking at the detector.

"Heuteojija. (Let's spread out.)" No eul said in a low voice, looking at them, her expression hardened and the look in her eyes turned sharp.

"What are you looking at, guys?" It was about 10 minutes No eul searching alone, she saw Young Soo and Yeon Joo staring at a poster on the wall then approached them with a smile.

"I'm glad you smiled often these days." Yeon Joo watched No Eul. Instead of answering No Eul's question, they even smiled at her. "Why? Do you want me to be colder?" No Eul smiled, teasing them as they shook their heads quickly.

"Yeon Joo-a, you wanted to go to med school, right?" No Eul turned her body to stare at the poster they saw earlier.

"Eo...My mom was sick since I was little. But my grades weren't high enough that I decided to go to nursing school. I might barely get accepted to nursing school though." Yeon Joo said slowly, her mouth curved into a smile.

"But I think you're definitely accepted. Because my friend Yeon Joo is the best nurse in the world. Young Soo, about you?" No Eul chuckled softly, nudging Yeon Joo's elbow, and turned to Young Soo.

"Me?" He was startled, eyes widened looking at her. No eul nodded and smiled faintly. "When I was a junior, my first choice was med school too." He smiled looking at the poster.

"Apply for it. Your grades are high enough, no?" No eul said simply as Yeon Joo nodded at her words.

"Well yeah, but mine is not higher than yours, and...The tuition costs are too much. And it takes too long to graduate. I think it's better to just go to a regular college...that offers a scholarship and take a civil service exam later." Young Soo said grimly while No Eul listened to what he said without looking at him, her forehead wrinkled.

"You should have a bigger picture in mind. You know if you become a doctor you'll earn much more." Yeon Joo gave him a bit of advice firmly, knitting her eyes. No eul and Young Soo grinned at her face.

"My family isn't well off enough to wait for me until then. And I have to get a job soon for my siblings' college education." Young Soo looked unsure before he opened his mouth and said with a sad look.

"This is unexpected of you." No eul said flatly, turning her head at him. "Sorry? What is?" He turned his head quickly, his brows snapped together.

"Your parents must be proud of you. You're doing well... No offense, but let's not throw away your life for that exam. Your family will not be happy or grateful if you become like that. You live your life too, it's your life, isn't it?" No eul said firmly, the corners of her mouth raised.

ETHEREAL - DUTY AFTER SCHOOL. KIM SU GYEOM a.k.a KWON IL HAWhere stories live. Discover now