Chapter 21

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Silverblade wipes her sword in every direction. She came back to back with Ash. "There has got to be a way to distort them. It shouldn't be possible for them to rebuild them selves." Ash stated, out of breath. "That's it!" Silverblade shouted.

"Who's up for a tornado of creation?" Silverblade shouted. "Really? At a time like this?" Alice shouted. He through one of the soldiers over his shoulders. "If we keep going at them like this they will just rebuild themselves again." Phi shouted. "We can't let them." Ella shouted, diving under a sword.

Kao was doing something. He was slower than everyone else. "I am getting to old to fight these kinds of battles." He said out of breath.

"If we use are powers together it might just stop them." Eichi said, kicking a solder to the slide. "It's worth a shot." Yunhee started them off. "Wind! Water! Light! Sound! Mind! Poison!" Everyone shouted out there element as they joined together.

Kao turned his head to see where the massive amount of wind was coming from. There was a huge tornado bigger than the tallest building in all of ninjago. It was sucking in the army. The overlord had to pine his armer into the ground so he wouldn't move.

Towers upon towers were scared around the square. Each one has three or more elements in them. It stopped the army from rebuilding its self. "No way!" Kao said, surprised. He had never seen anything like it.

"I might be sick." Koko said, Tim along out of the tornado. "Get sick after. There is still a lot of work to be done." Charlie said, shaking her head. Kao rushed over to the group.

"So that's the tornado of creation?" Silverblade nodded. She wore a proud smile.

"Noo!" The overlord shouted. "How dare you work as a team. You are supposed to think your power is stronger than anyone else. Wait." The overlord looked at the group of people in front of him. They weren't the same group sixty five years ago.

"So you found a new team." The overlord scowled. "Nope. Just let my daughter pick up a few friends." Kao said, a proud grin on his face, he looked back at Silverblade. She smiled slightly. "I will destroy you all!!" He shouted. "We will see about that. Your clearly out numbered." Jack smirked evilly.

"You will all die trying!" There is was. Silverblade's eyes widen. That was the one thing she didn't want to hear from anyone. She took a step back, ready to sprint away if she needed to.

Kyrie, Yunhee grabbed her arms. They all turns to look at her. "We're in this together. We promise we aren't going to die." Ash said, a small smile on his face. Silverblade was shaking from head to toe. She couldn't lose them like she lost her mother, she just couldn't.

"Come on. We have a war to win." Katty said in the upmost cheerful town. Silverblade had no idea how she could be so exited at a time like this. But then again they have been working so hard just to get here and succeed where her father didn't. Silverblade nodded her head.

She had to put on a brave face, no matter the consequences. "Give is the best you got asshole!!" Silverblade shouted. She had a whole new burst of courage running through her vain's. It was probably because she had her team right behind her all the way.

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