Chapter 6

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Silverblade woke up to the sun behind blasted in her eyes. "Well good morning to you too princess." Kao said, setting down a cup of water. "Are you feeling better?" He sat down next to her. "Why are you acting like this?" Silverblade asked, turning her head from the sun.

"You had a fever for two weeks know. I thought you weren't going to pull through." Kao smiled lightly. "There probably worried about me." Silverblade mummbled. Kao furrowed his brow. "Who?!"

Silverblade sat there, completely forgetting he was there. "Just a few friends I made out of school." Kao smiled lightly. "That's good you made some friends. But you should probably see them." Silverblade glanced to the side.


Silverblade walked throw the door. "Oh my god!! I thought you were dead!!" Lana shouted, engulfing Silverblade in a hug. "Well I missed you to." She patted her on the back.

"Come. We got are room ideas ready. We been waiting for you." She dragged Silverblade to the table. "One at a time. I don't have thirty hands." Silverblade chuckled.

"Silver how did you get this good at drawing blue prints?" Naomi asked, looking at her with a smile. "Stop looking at me like that it will never happen." Silverblade rolled her eyes.

Silverblade hanged up the blueprints so she could see them from a different angle. Katty was sitting on the a box, halfway asleep. Silverblade glanced behind her. She picked up Kitty and placed her on a small mattress.

"Your like a mother finger you know that." Silverblade snapped her head around. Ella was leaning up agents the wall. "Well it's that or you let her fall and get hurt." Silverblade replied, rolling her eyes. "How exactly did you get the name Silverblade?" Ella asked, arching one of her brows.

"My mother wanted to name me Silver. That's why I let everyone call me Silver. My father added the blade part. He thought I would be a boy and follow through this footsteps." Silverblade slightly frowned.

"Silver the daughter of the fisrst spinjitzu master. Following in his footsteps?" Silverblade arched her brown confused. "Ya, I doubt that. You have a mind of your own. You don't let people push you around. You got a fire heart." Silverblade shook her head, slightly laughing. "Your a strange one Ella."

"Good! Being normal sucks." She placed her hands on her hips with a proud smile. "I'm going to head home. Call if anything happens." Silverblade said, grabbing her bag. "Sure thing captain." Ella put her hand up to her head in a saluting manner.


Silverblade walked through the front door. It was quiet, quieter than normal. She cheeked the bed room, they were completely empty. "Strange." She said, picking up the house phone. There was only one number on it, her fathers.

It ringed for a little bit. "Yes?" Kao said, his voice worried. "Hey dad, where are you?" Silverblade asked, walking into the kitchen. "I'm at the hospital." He replied. There was a faint scream in the background. "Is everything all right?" She asked, standing up right. "Everything is fine. Zera just went into labor. We most likely won't be home for a few days. You can handle your self right?"

"You son of a bitch!! Your the one who did this to me!!" Zera shouted.

Silverblade pulled her phone away from her ears. "Okay then." She mumbled before hanging up. "He can deal with that one on his own." She walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

It was strange sitting in a house where there was no sound. It got quiet reiterating to her. She stood up and stormed out of the house. She went back to the temple.

Everyone was gone. "Finally. I can get to work." Silverblade dragged everything out of the temple. She put it somewhere we're it wasn't going to get wet. It was raining lightly. "Time to get this place turned up side down." She grinned happily.

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