Chapter 16

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Kao opens the front door widely. Silverblade stood in the front door with the others. Kao froze there unsure of what he should do. "We need your expertise. Your the only person who can help us reach are full potential." Charlie grounded. She was not exited for this, none of them where.

"Very well. Head to the do jo. Change into the clothes all ready in there then we will start." Kao moved out of the way. They all walked into the house.

Kao grabbed Silverblade by the arm. "I am glade you can for my guidance." Silverblade narrowed her eyes. "We're here to train and gain are full potential. You will not use us to your desire you understand." Silverblade hissed, wiping her arm out of her fathers grip.

They were all wearing there ninja uniforms. They weren't going to where the white clothes that sat on the table waiting for them. They were all ready in these and this is what they do there training in.

Kao stood there disappointed. They didn't follow his directions, which only clears up one thing. They were not going to let him lead there team or even include him as a member.

"Let us get started. I'm guessing you all ready have your golden weapons?" They all pulled out there golden weapons. Kao looked at them.

Phi stood close by Silverblade talking. "Quiet. The only way you will learn is if you close your mouth and open your ears." Kao said in a thoracic voice.Katty was going to start laughing, she tried her best to hold it back.

"The thing about your golden weapons is that there specially made for you. There supper to make your strength stronger, but."

"You can't always relay on them. You need to be able to fight just as well with out are golden weapons." Eichi pointed out, crossing his arms.

"Yes, so we will work on your physical straight first, learn how to control your powers with out using your weapon. Once you master that you will be more stronger with your weapons." Kao said proudly.

They all got into a small group. The best way to train your physical body is by going up agents people. "That is not what I mean. Can you not listen to a simply instruction?" Kao snapped at them all.

They all looked at each other, even Silverblade was confused. "Then how do you suggest we get stronger physically?" Galu asked, arching his brow. "Teaming one on one. It is more officiant and be easier to see how much you grown in progress."

They all separated from each other. They all went to something different. Silverblade was over by the pull up bar. Kao walked over towards her.

"What have you been teaching your team?" Silverblade glanced down. "Team work. We work better as a team the separate. It makes us stronger and more reliable. You wouldn't know since you never tried to here your teams suggestions." Silverblade leaped down from the bar.

"I am your father and the spinjitzu master, you will respect me." Kao hissed. "No. Your some guy who didn't even raise me. You let me live in your house and gave me food and cloths. I raised myself. And for the whole I'm the spinjitzu master, you should see are tornado of creation. A lot more affective then just one person." Silverblade hissed right back.

Synara layed on the floor. Silverblade squatted down in front of her. "You good?" Synara glanced up. "No. This is bullshit. Improving are own straight will do nothing since were a team." Silverblade looked over at Kao he was busy doing something else.

"Just keep it up. It's only an act. There are a few thing that he can help us achieve but not much. He knows nothing about a team." Synara finally understood what Silverblade was doing. "I get it now." She smirked, jumping up to her feet.

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