The Future

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Chapter 2: The Future

Mikey heads out to the window and sees that most of the city block is deserted and destroyed which made the turtle panic even more.

"Oh no! D-Did that wizard really just destroy the entire city with his spell I the only survivor?!?!" Mikey cried out in dismay.

Suddenly without warning two floating drone-like machines appeared from the sky and flashed their spot lights on the alerted turtle.

"What the shell?!" Mikey yelped out.

"MUTANT ALERT! MUTANT ALERT!" The drones bray out in a menacing robotic tone.

The drones soon reveal gun turrets which made Mikey let out an scream and run for his life as they open fire at him.

Heading to the stairway, Mikey grabbed a steel board and skated down the railing of the stairways with fast speed, avoiding the drones chasing and firing after him.

He bashes through the front door and was soon encountered by more drones floating around, repeating the same words:


"Alright you floating bots; you want a piece of me?! Then bring it!" Mikey growls and swings his nun-chucks around.

Using his skills and speed, Mikey dodges every bullet and manages to knock down every drone that surrounds him with his ninjutsu and weapons.

Once the fight was done and Mikey reigned victorious, he stopped to look around the destroyed city; it was cold and lifeless like the apocalypse has occurred which made Mikey worried that the device Gideon made actually did exploded and he was the only survivor of that blast...but how was that possible?

All Michelangelo remembers was that he was hit by a spell and felt like he was in a tornado for a few seconds and then he was back here but everything was so different that it looks all wrong.

"Hello? Anyone out there?!" He called out but all he could hear was echoes.

Frantic, he returns to the skyscraper, reaching to the top and once there he looks out to see that New York City was now divided into two separate islands. The one he was on now was nothing more but a graveyard of buildings, a complete dead wasteland of a city.

The other island was glowing with activity that it seems most of New York was now alive on the other island before Mikey. But something seemed sinister about the lively island on the other side; there was a huge oval wall surrounding the entire land and drones were clustering over the island like pigeons.

"What...What is going on here?" Mikey gasped to himself.

He soon decided to head back home, hoping to find his family there and get some answers but by the time he reached the lair, a horrendous sight greeted the young turtle's eyes.

The lair was in shambles and concrete rubble buried most of the rooms and such. The Hamato Clan's home was destroyed and seemed to be abandoned for a very long time.

"N-No!" Mikey sharply whimpered as he frantically bolts around to look for the others:

"Leo?! Donnie?! Raph?! Papa?! Anyone?!!"

His body begins to shiver at the fear of what may had become of his family and such but suddenly he remembers something: His T-Phone!

He tried calling his brothers, April, Casey, and even Splinter but no one answer much to his dismay, so he can think of the one thing left to do; turn on the tracking signal and hoped that one of his brothers can find him here.

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