{7} you are really special

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"i heard you had served 12 masters. you could have learnt basic martial arts at the very least" jiyoon told uk as they were walking back to sejukwon.

"i did not feel motivated to do so. as you know, i need to feel motivated to do something" uk replied.

jiyoon scoffed, "what an excuse"

"it's because you are lazy. i have noticed that you never do anything around the house" mudeok told him.

"i know everything by heart. test me. how do you think i recognised you? it was because i saw you using tansu. i know it all" uk said.

"you are all talk" jiyoon told him.

"i can do more than talk right now" uk told jiyoon to which she threw her broom. he barely escaped. "did you see that?" jiyoon scoffed, "i am a quick learner. i will quickly master jipsu. how long does it take?"

"i was a fast learner, but i took five years" mudeok said.

"three for me" jiyoon said.

"those who are slow take 20 years" mudeok said.

"as for you" jiyoon thought, "you may master it pretty quickly since you are jang gang and jang dohwa's son"

"what do they have to do with this?" uk asked.

"did you not know? he was a genius who only took a year to master jipsu. if you achieve that, rumours that say you are not his son will subside. but ofcourse, i doubt it will be possible" mudeok explained.

"you are the son of jang gang and jang dohwa. your mother was one of the most powerful female healers of our century" jiyoon said.

"my mother was a healer?" uk asked.

"look at you not knowing about your own mother. who does not know about her? she was and still is an example to all the healers and doctors of daeho" mudeok said.

"woah" uk smiled but then he frowned, "everyone says she cheated my father, it is hard to believe she is respected"

"do you also think she cheated your father?" jiyoon asked.

"my father reached jipsu within a month, right?" uk changed the topic, "then i will achieve it in six months, no, in three months"

"you are bluffing" mudeok told him.

"i am determined, so do not discourage me" uk argued.

mudeok stopped him. "maidservant kim asked me to sweep the entire yard. you have recovered a lot and you seem to be doing better too, so help me out" uk tried to remove her hand but she resisted, finally he applied force and she let go.

"mudeok-ah, i am a lazy guy who does not do things he does not feel motivated to do. good luck" uk went away.

jiyoon stood there gasping. "he knows how to annoy you" she said laughing.

"it is so cold. it is way too cold!" uk said as he went away

"that little...you are such a show-off!" mudeok yelled, annoyed. she turned to jiyoon, "help me, please?" she showed the best puppy eyes she could.

"i would have, but i have patients to treat" jiyoon said.

"i would have, but i have patients to treat" jiyoon said

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