Chapter 1

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I was walking with my mom and my sister Angel. It was on my thirteen brithday were everything changed..When the the sun was over the sky leading into  were heading out from the bakery. Our hands full o a few bags of sweets for tonight party the party for my birthday. I qip u and ask in  smiloud girly voice" what are we going to do today?"

When my mom was going to answer the question.her,She let out a scream so frightining my heart began to break.when a mystrious man spoke over my shoulder by a man voice. He yelled " Kelsey Anderson." my mom turned around to face the guy. her smile disapered on her face, and now was showing fear in her eyes.My mom stumbled back words and tripped on a chunk of rock. That was sticking out of the ground. When she fell her head hit first on the ground, she started to groan in the pain.

I turned to face the man he was dressed really fancy clothes with a patch on his right shoulder it read " K-7 " it was part of a rank of a team. That is well known as the killing squad. Now I understand what he was here. " no!" I screamed that at him. My sister ran tword our mom.My rage made me stummbled back screaming at him " You wont get away with trying to kill our mom!" I realized that I grabbed out the two golden dragon blades. he just laughed at me and he said " you think you can beat me. Well come and show me what you can do little girl."

(Hey im sorry i saved the other part of the story on chapter 4 thats after 1 it was going to be the contuning of chapter 1. Srry if it got confusuing)

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