The King's Bride~ The Witch

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The King's Bride ~ The Witch

Three solid knocks shake me from my dream. I jolt up, drenched in sweat and shaking. Dream? No. Memory.

"Madame, I have a post for you." another knock.

I walk to the door, touching my hair as I go. Nope, no braid. I still can't wear braids, they remind me to much of-

"Hello." I open the door, putting on my best fake smile. The inn manager smiles and hands me a small piece of paper.

"It was dropped off this morning."

I look at the clock on the wall and gap, noon.

After taking the letter, closing the door and riping open the envelope, I scan the words, expecting to see the boys words;

Dearest Adalene,

I hope this letter arrives to you before noon. Please meet me at the square where we can have a picnic, I will be there at noon.

Hoping to see you soon.

I decide not to question why he didn't add his name, and walk down the hall to the street. The car is waiting for me as I slide in and pull my knees up to my chin.

You know that feeling you get when you just know something big is going to happen? When your stomach feels like it ways a thousand pounds and your mind is fuzzy? Well, that's what I have right now.

The chauffeur pulls the car up to the curb and props my door open, "M'Lady." he nods and waves his hand for me to get out. I smile politely and jump out, walking on the green grass.

The hills go up and then drop in a wave like fashion, covered in mint green grass. I climb to the top, the morning dew sticking to my shoes, and see the boy sitting with his back to me. He's on a red blanket, his white shirt bouncing off of the blood colored material. I stop just behind him and make a small cough, to let him know I'm here. How cliche, I know.

He spins around, his eyes settling on me, "Hi." he whispers, his lips pressed into a small smile.

"Hi." I do an awkward wave and stay where I am. "Um,"

"Oh sorry. I packed a lunch, in case you haven't already ate?" he sits back down and pats the spot next to him. With a sigh, I sit beside him.

The boy puts down two sandwiches, two apples and a canteen. He unwraps one sandwich and hands it to me with an embarrassed smile, "Sorry, I am not good at preparing meals."

"It's fine." I mutter and take a bite of the sandwich. The peanut butter goes down my throat, mixing with my upset stomach. I hold back the gag and squeeze my eyes shut. Why am I feeling so, on edge?

"Are you all right?" he goes to touch my shoulder, then brings his hand away. "Oh no, are you allergic!"

His concern makes me smile, "No, I'm just feeling a little, queasy."

He nods, taking a bite of his apple, "Understandable." he gives me a side ways smile, "You know, you"re probably just nervous. Being around such a good looking guy must be hard."

I can tell he's not used to flirting. "Why, is someone else here?" ya, well I'm not so good either.

His moss green eyes show his hurt, "No, I was talking about m-"

"I was just joking." I say and lay down on the soft blanket. I can feel the blades of grass under my head, it reminds me of my forest back home. From the corner of my eye I see him lie down beside me, a smile on his flawless face.

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