The Kings Bride~ Back In Time

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Unless told other wise, this whole story will be in Adalenes P.O.V Also, #37 this morning on the historical fiction whats hot list. Now it's zero, so please help me and vote. Lastly, updates will usually not be this frequent, it's just because I'm on break now.

The Kings Bride~ Back In Time

My body is soaked. I feel dead. Who would have thought this pound was so deep. I know I'm at the bottom of something, it tastes salty, the water I mean.

My hands grate through white sand, moving past clams and shells. The water is bright blue, gathering up sun and bringing it to the bottom. Just now do I feel the burning in my lungs, screening for air.

When I look up, I see the silhouette of a dock, perfect. My legs kick off and I swim as fast as I can to the top. Black dots blur my vision as I scream for air. I'm not going to make-

I break the surface and suck in as much oxygen as possible. My brunette hair floats around me, looking surprisingly nice in this light.

I take my time to look around once I've pulled my self out of the water.

Cobble stone streets, carriages pulled by horses fill them and squat small houses dot everywhere. I can't help but smile, it worked, it really worked.

"Excuse me, madam." A man with a scruffy white beard says, "May I ask what you are doing?"

"I just went for a quick swim." I stand up and flip my hair over my shoulder, "My apologies." he nods as I walk off the dock, holding in a squeal. I did it! Maybe I don't know what exact year it is, but I'm not in 2013 any more, I know that.

Well, might as well have a little adventure. I run down the streets, not bothered by the odd looks. Baker shops, delis, and-oh! I stop at the last one, a tall window frames beautiful gowns.

I'm a girl, sue me.

The door rings as I go in, I wonder why? A short plump lady sits behind a desk, tapping a quill into a bottle of ink, "Hello, madam. How may I help you?"

So polite, must be in England. "I'm just looking for a dress."

She walks closer to me, "What color?"

"Um, purple." everyone says purple goes nice with my grey eyes.

She now with a smile and leads me to a rack full of elegant purple ball gowns, "Here you are."

I nod and flip through the dresses. To giant frills at the bottom, to light embroidery. My finger stop at one in particular. It's the color of the morning sky, violet. With long sleeves that have white thread sown in patterns at the wrists. I can tell I will need a corset just by how it curves in in the middle. The bottom sweaps the floor, getting slightly darker as It goes down. "How much is this one?"

"Twenty pounds." she smiles and runs her fingers over the silk.

My hand fishes in my pocket, coming up with nothing. My face instantly saddens, and she must have realized, "But this necklace," she touches my gold necklace, "Will suffice."

"It's yours." I drop it on the counter and wait as she wraps the dress up.

"Are you buying this for the royal ball?"


She puts the dress on the counter, "Yes. Ladies near and far, coming in hopes of wining the heart of our prince. He will be future ruler of England, you know."

Ball? Perfect, just what I needed. "Oh yes, of course, how do I travel to the castle?"

"Due north, just follow the royal carriages." I pick up the package with a smile.

The King's Bride (Re-Writing)Where stories live. Discover now