Chapter Six

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Chapter Six
Weevil's a pest

Arial glanced over the direction of the island but she noticed another ship was getting docked by the island. She was confused that she hadn't seen Leon, Kiara, and Kiya. "I wonder if I'm going to see them." She calmly questioned. 

Meanwhile at the other ship. Leon was getting out of his room with a lot of calm and seriousness. Since he's looking forward to duel with other people. He spotted Kiara and Kiya waiting for him. He fixed his mask before walking to them. "Ah! I saw you're already up from last night." He responded.

Kiara softly nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm hoping that Priscilla won't show up." She stated. 

Leon sighed in distress. "Please don't mention her, the last thing I want is dealing with more stress." He annoyingly muttered as he finished fixing his mask. 

Kiya rolled his eyes, annoyingly not wanting to hear about the model. "You're not wrong about that, plus I don't think she's going to be at Duelist Kingdom." He responded calmly as he was looking through his cards. 

Kiara sighed in relief. "Yeah, she doesn't even like playing Duel Monsters." She stated. "Let's not focus on that, we need to focus on dueling other duelists at the tournament." The three of them began walking out of the ship and waiting for the rest of the duelists to show up.

Back with the other ship. Arial and her friends were standing on the bow of the ship and watching over to the view of the island. They were also hearing the sounds of seagulls. "Man, this Duelist Kingdom looks like a pretty big place, Yugi and Arial." said Joey in shock. "Finding your grandpa's is not going to be easy." 

"Well, we gotta start somewhere." Yugi softly answers his friend. He glares in a mix of emotion in frustration and determination. 

"Yeah, it does look big." Arial responded with a small smile on her face. "I'm so nervous to duel other people."

"Don't be nervous, you'll do fine like the rest of us." Yugi cheerfully stated. 

Then a couple of hours later, the ship finally docked aside to the pier of dirt land. Arial and her friends were slowly about to walk down on the ramp with the rest of the duelists. "Whoa!" Joey said in shocked to see many guards wearing suits. "Check out the suits." He curiously whistled to himself.

"Attention, all duelists." One of the guards announced. "Please disembark in an orderly fashion."

Tristan widened his eyes in fear. He quickly turned to face Quinn, Finn, and Tea. "Hey, guys, what if one of those security guys finds out we're both stowaways?" He asked them. "We oughta just play it safe and swim back."

Quinn and Finn sighed in dismay. Tea quickly gave Tristan the scary glare. "We're in the middle of nowhere, lamebrain!" She furiously snapped at him. "If you can just try and act normal, we'll be ok." She tries to be reasonable with him.

Then shortly afterwards. Arial and the others were slowly walking down the ramps of the ships. Tristan was getting very nervous and trying to act cool, so he wouldn't get caught. "Hey, you!" One of Pegasus's guards called him out in the back.

Tristan nervously stopped walking and turned to face them. "Don't look so nervous." The guards said in a strict tone. "You guys are our guest here." He added calmly. 

Tristan let out his breath in relief. Finn and Quinn watched their friend looking back at the guards. "That's right!" Tristan answered in nervousness as he bowed. "I'm your guest." He replied. Tristan instantly rushed back to the group who were waiting for him. He was anxiously taking deep breaths. "I think I just had a heart attack." He quietly mutters. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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