Chapter One

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Chapter One

The True Hearts of Cards(Part One)

It was midnight around Domino City. The sky was dark blue, and there was a large mansion near the forest far from the town. The mansion had a couple of water fountains and a huge garden. In the middle of the garden was a large cherry blossom tree. A young girl entered the mansion wearing her nightgown and looked at the paintings on the walls. She continued to walk through the hallway. She slowly and directly walked towards her mother's  office and paused outside the door. She  gently took a deep breath in preparation for deep conversation. She quietly opened the door and saw her mother, an older woman with short caramel hair that reached her neck just past her chin. Her mother was focused on typing at her computer, and not paying any attention to her daughter being present in the room.

"Hey, mom, do you have a moment!" She calmly asked with a frown on her face. 

"Huh? What is it now Arial...You already know that I don't have time for this as you can see that I'm very busy with my work." Sophie said, sounding very annoyed with the girl, her daughter Arial.

Arial quickly took a deep breath before opening her mouth to speak. "I was wondering...'' She said curiously. "Why am I starting a new school tomorrow since we just moved here last night?" She asked. She noticed her mother was dismissed, rolled her eyes and continued typing on her computer.

"Arial, are you even kidding me right now...I don't have time for those types of questions at this moment since I'm really busy with mine and your sister's career." Sophia angrily raised her voice in a motherly tone. 

Arial takes a step back from hearing her mother raising her voice. "Sorry if I asked this's just I'm nervous being the new girl coming all the way from Paris." She apologized to her and she bit her lips tightly nervously.

"Arial please just go to your freaking room already...'' She raised her voice and got off her seat. ''And sleep because tomorrow afternoon you have piano lessons then later on you have your Spanish lessons...Be more like your lovely twin sister Priscilla who has an amazing modeling career for over three years and for once at least she doesn't bother me with those annoying questions." Sophia responded furiously with her arms crossed. "And Madam Claire will give you a new daily schedule." She recalled before she moved her hands and goes back typing away with an angry look on her face.

Arial sighed a little and looked back at her busy working mother with a small frown. "Okay, I'll stop bothering you for now mother...I'm going to head right straight to bed and just sleep for the rest of the night." She softly responded as she turned her head then headed back straight to her room. She opened the door from her room and hopped straight into bed with an unhappy look on her face. She felt tears gently racing down her cheek as she turned the right side of the bed and glanced at the dark night sky as she closed her eyes and completely dozed off to sleep.


The early next morning Arial was still has her eyes closed and turned her body against the bed a few times as she heard a calmer strict tone. "Arial, it's time to get up and you'll be missing breakfast with your family." Arial groaned a little. She slightly opened her eyes to see an older woman with long red hair that reached past her shoulder. She wore a fancy black business outfit and held a binder in her hands.

"Madam Claire, you're here early..." Arial muttered as she gently got off her bed looking very confused. "Can I just have some five minutes of sleep?" She asked her mother's personal assistant and rubbed her tired eyes.

"I'm sorry to say this Arial..." Madam Claire deeply sighed. "But you already know how much your mother and sister don't like their schedules being mixed up since you guys have recently moved here." She quietly answered, giving her a reassuring smile. "So for now please head down to the dining room where your mother and sister are waiting for you." She points it out to her as she turns her head and walks out of Arial's room.

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