Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

The True Hearts of Cards(Part Two)

It was now past around six in the afternoon. The sunset was going down, and the night falls began. Arial was still at the game shop and was hanging out with her new group of friends. She started heading out the door. She was carrying a small shopping bag. "I'll see you guys tomorrow at school." She shouted from the back and waved to them. She closed the door at a leisurely pace and began walking to the sidewalk.

Arial had recently stopped walking and looked at the traffic light that was red. She waited for the lights to turn green, so she could go home right away. She spotted the black limo in the traffic lights. She sighed and raced over to Seto's limo. Arial gracefully knocks on the window.

The window rolled down and Arial sees a cold looks from Seto. "What do you want now?" He snapped angrily at her.

Arial flinched a little from he's harsh words. She lets out a breath carefully. "Hey, listen you left something from the game shop." She muttered. Seto raised his eyebrow and has his arms crossed.

Arial quickly placed her hand under her pocket. She then slowly takes it out and showed the card to him. "It's your Dark Magician Girl you left..." She calmly explained to him.

Seto stared at it for a second. He shrugged his shoulder annoyingly. "Keep it..." He added. "I don't want this card... It's all yours."

Arial's eyes widened in shock. "Are you sure...?" She softly said. He nodded his head. "Yeah." He paused and started to speak up more. "I never used this card to begin with."

"Oh." Arial mutters and faces to see the traffic light turning green. "I should be heading home." She calmly answered. She was ready to go to the streets and she felt a sudden touch on her hand. "Huh?!" She turned her head back and saw Seto gently holding her hand.

"Get inside the limo." Seto softly responded and has his eyes closed. Arial shook her head in the response of no. "I'm sorry, but I can't take your offer." She answered. She received another cold glance from Seto.

"I'm not giving you an offer...It's safer you'll be in my limo." Seto replied fiercely and let go of Arial's hand. Arial sighed deeply and goes inside the limo.

Seto pushed away and let Arial take a seat next to him. The driver began driving through their way out of the huge city. Seto stared at the window to see his ride was heading inside the forest. He sees cherry blossom trees moving past them. The leaves were falling right next to the limo. The whole time, everything went silent.

Arial started to face Seto. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak up. "Why did you want Yugi's grandfather's rare card?" She asked curiously. "Finn got a point there..." She paused. "You can buy the other three Blue-Eyes from another game shop."

Seto glanced right at Arial cruelly and had his arms crossed. "This doesn't concern you." He harshly responded. "These cards are all about power and money...You won't understand little girl." Arial sighed in disappointment and goes to look back at the window. She's not going to answer this guy any longer. During the rest of the ride home, the two didn't have any conversation. Then Seto's limo finally arrived at Arial's mansion. Arial felt her hand shaking nervously to what her mom was going to react to missing her dance lessons.

Seto slowly got himself out of his ride. He opened the door for her. "You can get lost now." He harshly said to her.

Arial listened to him and got off the ride. She gracefully walked upstairs to straight the door. She glanced back at Seto furiously. "You know what Seto have a heart...Why do you always have to be like a jerk." She snapped. She sees Seto didn't respond back and goes to his ride. The limo drove away from the mansion and left Arial alone.

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