Part 3

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Getting to know each other

Autumn was surprised her friends were warming up to John. Laura, LeAnn, and Katrina were rooting for her and this new relationship. They were excited about her dates and happy they were moving towards a friendship instead of her giving up on him. John was proving to be loyal, respectful, and interesting. Autumn was finding it hard not to like his spontaneous and kind nature. Getting to know John was both surprising and exciting over the last few months. He was a breath of fresh air and different in so many ways. Surprisingly, he listened, was attentive, and was sensitive to her needs. They talked for hours and simply enjoyed each other's company.

They were working well together without the pressures of a relationship. But John wanted more than a friendship and prayed Autumn would meet him on the same page. He wanted to marry her and settle down because he had found his happy place. Autumn challenged him with love, patience, reverence for God, love, and compassion for others. Autumn had turned on a light switch in him and he could not see life without her. He was more than ready to confess his love. 

John watched Autumn giggling at the stage play they watched together. It was always good to be around her. His heart was beating rapidly as he tried to calm his nerves. She smiled at him passing him the popcorn. John took her hands gently trying to get her attention. "What is it?" Autumn asked. John took a deep breath and paused the movie looking directly at her.  

Autumn was a bit confused as to what this was all about. She watched him stand and paced the room nervously. "Autumn I have enjoyed the last few months of our friendship. You have brought so much joy to my life. Being around you has changed me and made me a better man," John confessed. 

Autumn stood and said, "You have brought joy, and excitement to my life too."  John took her hands once again and smiled. "Autumn what I feel for you is far more than friendship. Your smile, laugh, warmth, kindness, and love for God and people are incredible. But I am standing before you with how I really feel in my heart. You are my everything, Autumn. I want more than a friendship with you. I want and desire a future with you. Autumn, I love you. I love you with all my heart and if you would have me I want a relationship with you, for us. A long-term relationship," he said.

Autumn felt her heart hammering near her chest. John had just confessed his love to her. She was not expecting him to do this. She was dancing around her feelings for him and was afraid to face them. Now John brought it all to the forefront. Autumn was analyzing the situation before her. Should she give in and say how she felt about him? John watched her closely hoping he had pushed her to reveal her feelings. 

Autumn took a deep breath and stood by the window watching the night sky. "If you need more time to think about all of this, it is fine. I just needed you to know how I feel," he said. John stood on the side of her watching the night sky as well. There was a bit of silence between them. When John proceeded to sit down Autumn gently grabbed his hand. She closed her eyes and drew closer to him.

"I want us but I am afraid of you breaking my heart. You mean so much to me and I have never fallen in love with anyone until you. I just want you to be absolutely sure if we are going to try," she said. John pulled her in a hug. Hearing her say she was fallen in love with him sent goosebumps up his spine. Autumn wanted him just as much as he wanted her in his life. 

"Autumn, I will not hurt you. You mean so much to me," he smiled kissing her hand. His eyes search hers to provide the reassurance she needed. He loved her with every fiber of his bones and he was going to hold on to the woman of his dreams. 

They both searched each other's eyes. "I choose you each and every time. I love you, Autumn," John said. "I love you too," Autumn said no longer afraid. His eyes lit up overwhelmed as he finally captured her lips in a gentle kiss.

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