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Allison remembered it as if it was just yesterday. She recalled saying goodbye to her mother on her deathbed. It was sad and momentous. Allison lay in bed reminiscing about this event that transformed her life. She was thirteen when her mother died of cancer and left them. Four years later it was still hard and Allison missed her mother tremendously. Allison knew it made her dad even more protective of her because he did not want to lose her. She sighed and rolled over in her bed trying to get up. Her phone buzzed snapping her out of her thoughts. 

Allison smiled after seeing a text message from her best friend Amber. Amber and her family were a light for her when she started to miss her mother. Amber's mother treated her like a daughter and would often check in on her and her father. "Girl, hurry up and come to school. I miss you,"  Amber wrote with sad emojis. Allison laughed at Amber's anxiousness to see her. Allison got out of bed with a burst of energy to start her day. 

She heard a knock at the door and invited her father inside her room. Allison looked at her dad closely. His dark brown eyes searched hers for reassurance about the day. Allison loved her father and knew he appeared strong but missed her mother also. If she ever fell in love she wanted someone who would love her like her father loved her mother. He always appeared so strong, robust, and resilient but Allison knew his heart was soft and caring. 

His hands found hers. "Today, four years ago we lost your mother. How are you holding up?" he asked looking at his daughter. Allison squeezed her father's hand. "I am dealing with it Dad the best way I can. What about you?" she asked just wishing for once her Dad would open up and not appear so stoic. "I miss her but I am happy she is out of the pain that tormented her body," he admitted. "She will never be forgotten and we have our memories to hold on to," Allison said leaning on her dad's shoulder. "Let's have a moment of silence in remembrance of your mother," Bradley Sinclair suggested. They both prayed silently and embraced in a hug. 

"I have a long day at the office." Mr. Sinclair reminded her. Allison smiled, "I guess I am on meal preparation duty," she joked saluting her dad. Bradley Sinclair laughed. "Only if you are up to it," he said. "Yes Dad no takeout tonight," she said. "Okay, you're the boss he teased. Allison nodded and followed her dad downstairs to start her day.

As Allison headed to Charleston High she was thankful this was her last academic year and she would be graduating soon. High school was not easy for her. Many of the students did not get her and labeled her a nun because she was the preacher's kid. She had no reservations when it came to her relationship with God and was honored to be a Christian. However, her fellow peers thought she was goody two shoes and would often make cruel jokes. Allison's wardrobe was low-keyed and never revealing giving them another element to joke about.

If it wasn't for her friends Amber, Michael, and Samantha she did not know if she would be able to survive high school. Allison looked at herself in the mirror evaluating her clothes. She wore her hair in a ponytail like always, simple blue jeans, and a T-shirt with her hoody. Allison had to admit her clothes were plain but comfortable. Allison knew she needed a makeover before she left for college. However, she preferred not to be fussy at all. After she got dressed she caught the bus to school to embrace her day.  

"Allison," Samantha beamed after she joined them in the cafeteria. "Hey, guys. What's up?" Allison said taking a seat. "Good to see you," Michael chimed in taking a sip of orange juice. "Finally, you're here," Amber said in delight. "I am feeling the love across the room," Allison teased. "How are you today?" Samantha asked. "I'm fine guys why are you asking?" Allison asked suddenly intrigued by her friends' reaction toward her. "Well, today you know, your Mom passed," Michael indicated. "You guys remembered,"  Allison said surprised and appreciative all at once. Amber give Alisson a hug and the other two friends moved in also giving her a hug too.

"Okay," Allison laughed loving her friends for their consideration. Amber pulled out a letter. "My mother sent this. My family is always keeping you and your dad in our prayers," Amber explained. Allison, heart leaped with joy that she was not alone. "Guys, enough of the mushy stuff. I'm about to cry," Samantha said. "Yeah, please stop," Michael agreed. 

Allison took the letter and promised to read it privately. "We are happy you and your father are healing slowly but getting there," Michael added. "I am too," Allison said with a warm smile. "So we know about this important moment for Allison but what's new with everyone else?" Samantha asked prompting each person to give an update or the scoop on things concerning them. 

"Well, Sydney and I are going out on a date this Saturday," Michael said spinning around and doing a dance. The girls cheered and were extremely happy for him. "You have been crushing on that girl for months," Amber high-fived him. "Wow, glad you built up to courage to ask her out," Samantha said. "Yeah, I just saw her in the video store and simply asked. I thought she would not go for my type," Michael started.

"Michael Saunders you are smart, handsome, and sweet. I think she liked you for a long time but was waiting for you to make the first move. Give yourself some credit. You may be a nerd in a cute way but you are a catch," Allison said encouraging her friend. "I'm touched," Michael laughed touching his heart.

Both girls stared at Allison wondering if she was okay. "What?" she asked questioning their bewildered faces. "The pot is calling the kettle black. I wish you would take some of your own advice," Samantha said. "Indeed, for months we wanted to go shopping and experiment a little with your hair. make-up etc. and you flat-out refused," Amber reminded her. "Yes, you are equally as stunning and beautiful but you hide behind dreary clothes and your faith. I am sure God wants more for you," Samantha said directly. 

"How did this get about me?" Allison giggled. She was used to her friends trying to break her out of her shell, change her look, and encourage her to go out and date but she was not ready. "Well, Langston and I are officially going steady," Samantha announced. "Surprise, Surprise," Amber teased. "You and that boy have been together forever," Michael told her.

Amber nodded her head in agreement. "I'm up," she said. "Well, I am too young to be tied down to one boy. Kristen and I are dating of and on. And on to happier news, I am going to UCLA," Amber shared. "Congratulations!" everyone said giving her huge hugs.

"Finally, some exciting news other than our dating lives," Allison said. "We can't wait to hear one day about the boy that's going to steal your heart," Samantha said. "All of us," Michael nodded.

"You guys, that is not happening anytime soon," Allison laughed. "Let's go to class," she encouraged Amber. "See you guys later," Michael said heading to a gym session. "Later," Samantha said waving goodbye as she headed to the computer lab.

When they were gone Allison glared at Amber. "What a way to have my back," she confessed. "What did I do?" Amber said. "Egg them on when it comes to guys in my life," Allison scolded her. "Well, I want you to experience something new. Samantha and Michael love you. You know they mean well," Amber reassured her.

Allison sighed and could not wait until the day her friends would stop worrying about her dating life. 

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