Chapter 6

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Me and Inza were making our way to the main room of the mansion to group up with Koris and the others, but I heard screams when I got to the door. I kicked the door down and saw Maisie and Koris running toward a corridor and the male Indoraptor preparing to chase them both. 


The hybrid turned to see me aiming my handgun at it and Inza growling at in its direction with the male growling back. We all stood in silence until the male made the first move charching at us both while Inza charged as well making both raptors collide with one another clawing and trying to bite the others neck. But then Inza got the upper hand and bit down on the males neck.

But the male raptor got the opportunity to kick Inza off of it and sending her into another exhibit across the room.

Y/N: Inza! Shit.

I aimed my pistol at the male and fired a few rounds into it to at least do some form of damage. Once the shots hit the male raptor its attention shifted to me making it roar at charging at me. I was about to fire another shot but the gun made a clicking sound meaning the mag was empty.

Y/N: Ah fuck.

I didn't have enough time to reload since the male hybrid was drawing near me. I swap to my energy weapon and positioned it in front of the Indoraptor's jaws to prevent it from ripping me to shreds. The male then lifts its head getting me off the ground and tossed me to the other end of the room by letting go of the energy weapon.

I landed near a pedestal that held a dino skeleton and used it as temporary cover and aimed the EMG at the male raptor, but said hybrid turned its attention the Maisie and Koris who were running up the stairs making the hybrid chase after them. I fired at the large dino, but the energy bolts missed as the raptor continued to chase them.

Y/N: Goddamn it.

-Koris POV- 

Me and the kid were running up the stairs as the Indoraptor gave chase after us, luckily the shots from Y/N's handgun slowed it down quite a bit. Once we reached to top floor we run through the door just as the male raptor was getting closer, but it got  stuck in the doorway which gives us a chance to get some distance from the hybrid. The raptor managed to break through the doorway allowing it to enter the same hallway as us.

Me and Maisie reached the dumbwaiter and began to climb inside while the Indoraptor was closing in on us. Maisie was frozen in fear while trying to close the door. I grabbed the door and slammed it shut on the hybrid making it hit the wall. 

Koris: Hey kid, you doing alright?

Maisie: Y-Yes... Thank you mister.

Koris: No problem. Also just call me Koris.

-Y/N POV- 

As the male raptor went upstairs I put the weapon on my back and ran to Owen and Claire to help them out of the pile of props on top of them. Once they were out Owen went to Claire and put a rag over her leg that had been stabbed by the male Indoraptors claw.

Owen: Hey. You're okay. Put pressure on it. Don't look at it. Look at me. Look at me.

Claire: You have to find her.

Owen: I can't leave you here.

Claire then pulled him into a kiss, practically forgetting I was here, but I wasn't the only one in the awkward third wheel, because Inza calmly walked up to me and sees them kiss then looks at me with a confused look. I just shrug, but the moment of Owen and Claire ends and they turn to see Inza which makes Claire freak out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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