Chapter 2

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Y/N pov.

We were back at the loading docks, seeing all of Kens men rounding up many species of dinosaurs. I was mainly thinking if my brothers were okay, but I notice one of Kens men pointing their rifle at Blue which pissed me off.

Y/N: What the- Put your damn weapon down!

Zia: You have the barrel pointed right at her head!

Zia was trying to get out of the guards grip seeing Blue in a weakened state from the bullet wound from earlier. But then we all hear the volcano erupting and see the lava fly out. Everyone hurried to get on the boat, not worrying about the equipment only dinos and people. Once on the boat me and Zia were put in the same car as Blue to make sure she stays alive.

Y/N: Well  this didn't go to plan in the slightest.

Zia: I know.

We all hear the sounds of the Brachiosaurus crying  in the distance trying to call for help. This was a depressing sight... As it was slowly being consumed by the ash the doors closed. I just sat down and closed my eyes and thought about the worst to come. I went back to Blue to treat her wound the best we can... without any fucking instruments.

3rd person pov.

At the Lockwood Estate, Elis Mils was giving a tour to a man named Gunner Eversol, talking about how he has 11 species of dinosaurs on the way for the upcoming auction.

Gunner: So you're going to weaponize the dinosaurs?

Elis: We've been using animals in combat for centuries. Horses, elephants. The Soviets used disease bearing rats against the Germans at Stalingrad.

Gunner: Yes yes.

Elis: Our geneticists have created a direct descendant of Henry Wu's masterpiece, the animal that took down Jurassic World.

Gunner: The Indominus Rex.

Elis: Her DNA, retrieved from the island way before it's destruction, forms the architecture of a completely new creature. Every bone and muscle designed for hunting and killing. Thanks to Owen Grady's research, it follows human command. We call it... The Indoraptor.

-Back at the boat-

While Y/N and Zia were trying to help Blue who is struggling and rapidly huffing. Owen, Claire, Franklin, and my brothers managed to sneak on the boat before it left the island trying to find Y/N and Zia. While the said two that are with Blue, the boat shakes making Blue squawk loudly making Y/N try to calm her down while Zia puts pressure on the wound. 

Y/N: Shh, hey hey, It's okay girl. Just a little longer.

Torture opened the car that the two were in, making both Y/N and Zia glad to see friendly faces again.

Y/N: You know, I don't even know why I was worried. What about the others?

Zia: Oh my god! You guys are alive! You-

Torture puts his fingers in front of his lips telling Zia to keep quiet while everyone else gets in to see the state that Blue is in.

Owen: Oh, look what they've done to her...

Torture: Who are these assholes anyway?

Koris: Yeah I thought we were saving the dinosaurs.

Owen: These guys are animal traffickers. Look how they're treating them. They're not gonna take them to sanctuary, they're gonna sell them.

Zia: Not Blue. They need her for something else.

Y/N: Yeah, and I don't think it's a good thing.

Claire: Like what?

Blue x Male Reader x Female IndoraptorWhere stories live. Discover now