13 - Nothing Ever Changes

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I woke up the next morning and rubbed my eyes. They were dry and scratchy from falling asleep while crying. I sighed getting out of bed and walking into my ensuite bathroom, splashed water on my face and cleaned myself up. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt to head downstairs to make breakfast. When I passed Ransom's bedroom I heard him snoring inside and I sighed. I started to put my hair in a ponytail and headed downstairs to make some breakfast. I didn't want to cook for Ransom but he wouldn't eat if I didn't.

I walked into the kitchen and found the mess I had left the night before. The plates and food I pushed off the table in anger. I grabbed the broom and started cleaning everything up. This was not me, I didn't act like this. Once everything was cleaned up I looked to see what kind of groceries I had in the fridge and decided I could make some scrambled eggs and bacon.

I started cooking breakfast and brewing some coffee. I liked the silence of the house it gave me a chance to think and to think about Harlan and when we had the meeting between Harlan, Ransom and I in the home office.


Ransom and I were sitting in the office looking at Harlan.

"So I take it the night of the party is when this happened when you both were drunk?" Harlan asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, decisions were made, not all good, mostly bad." I answered.

"I wouldn't say mostly bad..." Ransom said and I glared at him.

"So, what are we going to do about this you two?" Harlan asked.

"What does that even mean? I want to keep it." I said and Ransom looked at me.

"Are you god damn insane?! You want to raise a baby?!" Ransom said and I groaned.

"Yeah I do! I want to be a mother Ransom. May be hard for you to believe someone actually wants to carry and have a child but I do!" I said annoyed.

"Ransom, if she keeps this child...will you be involved?" Harlan asked and I just looked at him.

Ransom was looking between Harlan and I.

"I don't know, I'm not father material." Ransom said and I sighed.

"If he doesn't want to be involved I don't need him to be. I can do this alone. I make good money working for you and I have a nice house I can raise him or her in. It's not a big deal." I said and Harlan groaned.

"Ransom, I won't force you to be a part of my child's life." I said.

"Our child." Ransom mumbled.

"What?" Harlan asked.

"Our child. It's our child, you didn't get yourself pregnant."

"So does this mean you want to be involved?" I asked and he half nodded.

"I do and we will work out custody, but I still have to be able to live my life the way I do now." Ransom said.

"So, you're basically living the same only bringing a baby into it. How charming." I said.

"I will do what I can okay...? I'm perfect and I won't be able to change overnight." Ransom said.

"You have 7 months to try and fix it." I said and Harlan nodded in agreement.


5 years later and he still hasn't changed. Ransom was always going to be Ransom and there was no way around it. Women whenever he was free or got upset and me taking care of our son, no my son, he was mine and mine only.

"Do I smell breakfast and coffee?" Ransom asked walking to the kitchen. I was finishing plating up the food so I made him a plate and tossed it gently on the table as he poured himself some coffee. He slid a cup across the counter at me for me. I grabbed my plate and the coffee and sat at the table.

"Willa?" Ransom said my name trying to get my attention since I wouldn't even look at him. "Willa! Look at me please!" Ransom slightly raised his voice, so I lifted my eyes only to glare at him.

"Thank you for breakfast and I'm sorry about last night." Ransom said.

"The girl you pick up still here or is she at your other house with strict orders to get out?" I asked. Ransom groaned.

"I won't lie, I took a girl back to my old place but then kicked her out, you want to know why?" Ransom asked.

"Couldn't get it up...they have pills for that ya know." I said and he slammed his hand on the table and then calmed down.

"No...I only wanted it to be you. I only want to be with you! What do I have to do to make you see that?!" Ransom asked. I didn't answer him and went back to eating. I then looked up at his one hand.

"What the shit Ransom?!" I yelled pointing and he groaned.

"Yeah I had a run in with the wall." Ransom said and I sighed. I got up and got the first aid kit from under the sink, moving my chair over by Ransom's hand I got some alcohol and cleaned it off to Ransom winced at.

"Grow up you big baby." I said and he growled but didn't say anything else. I put antibacterial gel on the open wounds, then wrapped it all up in gauze.

"Watch for the bruising but if you have to use your hands for anything, I suggest using your left hand. I'm sure you could find someone to help you out in that department though." I said finished up his hand and putting everything back as I washed my hands. As I was washing my hands Ransom came up behind me and caged me in, my back to his front.

"The only person to I want to help me is you Wils, when will you understand that?" Ransom whispered in my ear. I pushed back hard on him causing him to stumble back.

"When you don't take random women home less than 12 hours ago." I said, grabbing my coffee and storming out of the kitchen.

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