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This is the sequel to This Game We Play

A lot of people asked for it and I thought it would be fun to write.

I am still writing For Keepsies and Strawberry Kisses but it will probably be on hold until I get this one going because it is my main priority.

I am hoping to start uploading this once a week again but we'll see how that goes.

ALSO. I tried making a cast and everything but I can not think of anyone to play Alec, so if y'all have any ideas.

Ooh, and Lyndsy Fonseca (Alexis in the story) is from Oakland! <333 woot woot

anywayyyyy, i hope y'all enjoy!!



    "Conner!" I yelled, catching sight of the dark haired hunk that was my boyfriend.

    He turned around upon hearing his name and smiling when he saw it was me.

    "Hayley," he grinned.

     We ran towards each other and he picked me up in his arms spinning me around and hugging me tight.

    "God, I missed you so much!" I gushed before kissing him on the lips.

    He kissed me back for a few moments before pulling away grinning from ear to ear.

    "I'm so glad you're here. Come on, I'll show you to my dorm."

    "Alright." He picked up my two bags and we headed off to his room.

      We walked across the campus which was filled with bright green grass and stagnant trees and I was really impressed especially considering my high school looked like a factory on the inside and a jail on the outside.

    After weeks of begging my parents agreed to let me spend my three week winter break with Conner. He couldn't come home because he had started working at a restaurant near campus and his boss was a jerk who wouldn't let him off of work. After we had seen each other at Thanksgiving break we knew that we had to spend winter break together as we had missed each other too much. I couldn't wait to go to college so I could be with him.

    When he had first left I was scared that he would meet somebody else but so far nothing had seemed too fishy. We Skyped almost every night and texted each other everyday. He never mentioned any other girls, besides a few that were already in relationships or a few that he insisted he didn't like. He had told me that there was one girl who liked him but after he compared her looks to that of a "blow fish" I felt pretty safe.

    We got to his dorm which was all the way across the campus and the walk was filled with us chatting excitedly about what we were going to do this break. We had included snowboarding, tray sledding, cups of coffee, and lots and lots of kissing.

     His room was small with white walls that were covered in pictures and posters. There were two single beds as well as two desks and a mini fridge. He told me there was a community kitchen for the dorm rooms as well as bathrooms. Although his room was small and simple, it still was nice and I was excited about staying here. 

     "It's not much but it's home, so to speak." 

     I leaned into his open arms and smiled up at him, "I happen to think it's very nice."

    He grinned and kissed me to which I responded eagerly. Over the past few weeks I had forgotten about how good of a kisser he really was. 

    We were still kissed but had moved over to his bed when the door suddenly swung open. I pulled away quickly and pulled down my top. 

    Standing in the door way was a very attractive man. He had disheveled what-seemed-like black hair and had a nice tan. He was tall and had a swimmer's body. His face was by far one of the most attractive ones I had ever seen. His olive eyes looked joking and lively and I couldn't help but stare at them.

    "Hey Conner. Is this your girl?" He asked. His voice was deep and husky and I couldn't help but stare at him.

     "Yeah, this is Hayley." I was startled by his voice and looked back at him. I felt so bad for thinking those things about another guy. I mean, here is the perfect guy, right here. The most wonderful human being around if you ask me. "Hayley, this is my roommate, Alec."

    "Hi, it's nice to meet you." He had a charming white smile and he held his hand out to me which I gladly accepted.

    "Nice to meet you, too." I smiled, although it probably looked forced.

    "Well, I'm sorry if I was interrupting anything."

    "No worries man." Conner waved off the apology as he got off the bed and headed to the mini fridge to grab a can of Red Bull.

     "So, y'all have any big plans for tonight?" Alec asked.

    Conner looked at me before shaking his head. "Not that I know of."

    "Awesome. You guys should come hang out with Michael, Alexis, Jared and I. We're going to Skinny Shins." He sat down on his bed, legs wide.

    "Sure, that sounds good. Hayley, would you like to go?"

    I couldn't help but feel like this was a bad idea but I nodded anyway, "sure."


So that's just the prologue and I hope you guys like it. I just kind of wanted to get the ball rolling so I can jump right into the story!

I hope you guys liked it and I hope it works out and such! <3333


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