Kareoke Night

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Starting off strong with just a cute, funny one shot where the crows get drunk at kareoke night. Hope you like it!

"OoOoOoooHhHhhhhhhHhhhhhhhh~~~ caught in a bad romanceee~~~ ohohOooOooHHhHhHhoOhHhhoh caught in a. Bad romanceee...." Nina sang an off tune "Bad Romance" by Laga Gaga from the stage. In this scenario, it takes place in their time but these songs exist for some reason idk just go with it Inej laughed and clapped along to her horrible singing. Jesper and Wylan danced in the crowd, drinks in hand. Matthias sat at a table, smiling at his drunk girlfriend. Lastly Kaz was sitting at the bar, drinking a bottle of straight vodka.

Kaz laughed as Nina almost fell of the stage once she was finished. Inej looked over at him and moved to sit closer.

"You should get up there and sing a song," Inej offered with a smirk.

Kaz scoffed. "Never in a million years will I be caught dead on that stage." He said and took a swig of his drink. Inej laughed, amused at his refusal.

"Oh come on Kaz, how bad would it be?" Kaz looked at her with a confused look.

"How bad would it be? Wraith, I'm a Barrel boss, I'm not going to ruin my reputation by singing kareoke." He chuckled and shook his head.

"Fine, suit yourself." Inej got up and over to Jesper, asking if he wanted to sing a duet with her. He happily complied and got up on the stage. The two started singing Hotel California, smiling and swaying on the stage.

Kaz took another large gulp of his drink. He was going to need a lot of alcohol in him to get through this night. Unfortunately for Kaz, though he'd never admit it in a billion years, he was a bit of a lightweight and soon enough, his head was spinning from the drinks.

Some random man was dancing with Inej at the opposite side of the room, spinning her and laughing a drunk laugh. Kaz glowered and stumbled his way to the stage. His vision was glitching in an out of focus as he picked up the microphone.

"This song goes out to the wraith!!" He said in a raspy, breathy voice. Then, he began singing "Killer Queen" in a drunk, but surprisingly good singing voice.

He looked right at Inej as he sang the words to the song, and she laughed in amazement at the rare sight before her. He stumbles around the stage, and then finishes the song. Cheers and whistles erupt through the bar, his fellow crows cracking up at the sight of him, letting loose for once in his horrible life. The realization of what he had just done hit him right before he passed out.


Kaz awoke with a horrible headache and stomach ache. His vision was blurry and he felt dizzy, but he pulled himself out of his bed. He could barely remember a thing from last night... all there was in his mind was that they were at a bar... and he'd had a lot to drink... he couldn't remember anything after that, and prayed to the saints he didn't even believe in that he didn't do anything embarrassing.

He stumbled his way downstairs and immediately sat down and started munching on the waffles sitting at one of the tables of the slat. He sighed and closed his eyes. When he opened them, everyone in his ice court crew was looking at him. Nina looked like she was stifling a laugh, Wylan was smiling, Jesper was smirking, Inej had an eyebrow raised, and Matthias... well, Matthias was Matthias.

"...what? Do I have something on my face?" Kaz said sarcastically with a stone cold glare.

"Kaz... do you remember anything of last night?" Kaz stopped, about to take a bite of his waffle, and groaned.

Burying his face in his hands, he said, "I do now."
And looked up at them. "Not a word about what happened, ever, or I will come for every one of you and you won't be able to sing ever again." He threatened.

Despite the warning, they never let him forget what happened, though Kaz never harmed any of them minus the death glare he'd give them.

Sorry guys I know it wasn't that good but I tried. It'll get better I swear, I'm just tired right now and I was writing this one quickly. Comment if you have any requests!!

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